
find issues in MP3 files and help to solve them
  4 reviews

MP3 Diags is a GUI-based application that allows end-users to identify issues with their MP3 files, fix some of the issues and make other changes, like adding track information. It also allows user to "look inside" an MP3 file.

Unlike some programs that are designed to deal with a single topic (like fixing VBR headers or adding cover art), MP3 Diags is a one stop solution that identifies more than 50 different issues in MP3 files and provides the means to fix many of them.

Some of the more important issues that are found:

* Broken tags / headers / audio. * Duplicate tags / headers. * Incorrect placement of tags / headers (ID3V2, ID3V1, LAME, Xing, etc). * Low quality audio. * Missing VBR header. * Missing track info / cover art. * Broken track info / cover art. * Missing normalization data. * Character encoding issues (for languages other than English).

Some of the fixes and changes that MP3 Diags can do:

* Adding / fixing track info, including album cover; information can be retrieved from several sources: Internet, clipboard, file name, local files, and (obviously) keyboard. * Correcting files that show incorrect song duration. * Correcting files in which the player cannot seek correctly. * Converting characters for non-English names. * Adding composer name to the artist field, for players that don't handle the composer field. * Renaming files based on their fields. * Changing word case for track info.
Latest reviews
jcoles 3 years ago

Too complicated and non-standard. Can't just simply open a file or directory. It requests a selection of directories as part of creating a session, and all functions are applied to all mp3 files in the folder. Need simpler app with standard File > Open or drag/drop functionality.

pantaz 6 years ago

Doesn't appear to do anything to my files. Provides zero feedback.

dukejeffrie 9 years ago

Funciona muito bem, e rĂ¡pido.

p0p3y 12 years ago

Simply the BEST mp3 tool for fixing or editing your mp3.