
Terminal based YouTube jukebox with playlist management
  3 reviews

This project is a terminal based YouTube client with an interactive text interface and in-built help. It can be used to search YouTube, create local playlists to queue your favourite content, play audio or video (launched in external player) and can download YouTube content in various formats (mp4, flv, webm, ogg, m4a, m4v and 3gp).
Latest reviews
ALH477 8 months ago

Not functional, N0body_special is correct. I don't know what this frenchie did to get it to work, but he likes it.

n0body_special 3 years ago

In case you lack psychic capabilities, the command name is mpsyt, but it is not stated anywhere, unless you search online for it. Still, it doesn't work for me, says something about having exceeded my quota. Github page is dead -returns error 404. Really disappointed by ALL youtube players out there. Literally every one of them

Wulfmagio 6 years ago

Excellent outil pour écouter de la musique provenant de Youtube directement à partir du terminal. Bravo au(x) développeur(s)!