
themes for gtk2 murrine engine
  4 reviews

"Murrine" is an Italian word meaning the glass artworks done by Venicians glass blowers. The Engine is cairo-based, and it's very fast compared to clearlooks-cairo and ubuntulooks. This package includes gtk themes for the Murrine engine and themes for xfwm or metacity window managers.

Themes: - MurrinaAquaIsh - MurrinaAzul - MurrinaBleu - MurrinaBlue - MurrinaCandido - MurrinaCandy - MurrinaCappuccino - MurrinaChrome - MurrinaCream - MurrinaEalm - MurrinaFancyCandy - MurrinaGilouche - MurrinaLoveGray - MurrinaNeoGraphite - MurrinaVerdeOlivo - MurrineRounded - MurrineRoundedIcon - MurrineRoundedLessFramed - MurrineRoundedLessFramedIcon - Kiwi - MurrinaBlu - Murrine-Gray - Murrine-Light - Murrine-Sky - NOX - Orangine
Latest reviews
salvo1118 11 years ago

Excellent theme. I discovered it in Linux Mint Debian Edition and now use it in Linux Mint 15/16. Only complaint is that there are too many themes. Especially in MATE where all the color themes are installed as well. I wish the packager knew the meaning of "less is more".

satishmahajan 11 years ago

Good one

obakfahad 13 years ago

Really a very very good theme....

andrei 14 years ago

finally found some themes which (after some customization) can be really useful