
network management framework (daemon and userspace tools)
  17 reviews

NetworkManager is a system network service that manages your network devices and connections, attempting to keep active network connectivity when available. It manages ethernet, Wi-Fi, mobile broadband (WWAN), and PPPoE devices, and provides VPN integration with a variety of different VPN services.

This package provides the userspace daemons and a command line interface to interact with NetworkManager.

Optional dependencies: * avahi-autoipd: Used for IPv4LL, a protocol for automatic Link-Local IP address configuration. * ppp: Required for establishing dial-up connections (e.g. via GSM). * dnsmasq-base/iptables: Required for creating Ad-hoc connections and connection sharing. * libteam-utils: Network Team driver allows multiple network interfaces to be teamed together and act like a single one. This process is called "ethernet bonding", "channel teaming" or "link aggregation".
Latest reviews
KIMW 2 years ago

Never worked properly on WiFi. I don't undesanrd after all those years we don't have a Network Manager that realy works. This one is a real piece of shi*

Pandiora 8 years ago

Disable background-scan:

vits07 8 years ago

Installed WICD along with network-manager. It shows connected but really no connection. I found that command "sudo service network-manager restart" works for me. If I could, I would get rid of network-manager, but still see the value in openvpn option in it. I do know not how to have openvpn with wicd.

Kulla 9 years ago

Funktioniert prinzipiell und ist auch erweiterbar. Oft hilft die GUI aber nicht, sondern akzeptiert die notwendigen Einstellungen nicht. Auch verhält er sich nicht immer reproduzierbar und führt manchmal eigenwillige Änderungen an den Adaptern durch :-/

jahid_0903014 10 years ago

essential package

rainserpent 12 years ago

This piece of garbage will not save any settings and will want to autoconnect to everything (which is another setting I can't turn off for long).

m-r_xps 13 years ago

dial-up поднял на автомате

aiacomp 13 years ago


shabgard 13 years ago

The worst linux app i've ever used !! wicd is really more convinient and stable

zaenal1234 13 years ago


grim 14 years ago

A must-have for me! Works great!

exaos 14 years ago

Sometimes blocks my network connection.

ReckouNT 14 years ago

Enough lags if not fixed by distributors

klownkillah 14 years ago

doesnt work well with bonded / bridged connections

Flaviy 14 years ago

frequently creates new Auto Ethernet connection and doesn't show created by me.

rexc 14 years ago

It's continually getting better with each release. I remember when it shipped without a "disconnect vpn" option. Which meant you had to disconnect your connection completely. It has supports quite a few VPNs - pptp, openvpn.

AndrewX192 14 years ago

Powerful backend for managing networks on linux, does great with laptops, see wicd as a alternative if this doesn't meet your needs.