
Network Time Protocol daemon and utility programs
  9 reviews

NTP, the Network Time Protocol, is used to keep computer clocks accurate by synchronizing them over the Internet or a local network, or by following an accurate hardware receiver that interprets GPS, DCF-77, NIST or similar time signals.

This package contains the NTP daemon and utility programs. An NTP daemon needs to be running on each host that is to have its clock accuracy controlled by NTP. The same NTP daemon is also used to provide NTP service to other hosts.

For more information about the NTP protocol and NTP server configuration and operation, install the package "ntp-doc".
Latest reviews
oldtimer 4 years ago

Since Systemd was enabled by default on Linux Mint, timedatectl / timesyncd (part of systemd) replaced most of the funtionality of ntpdate / ntp. timesyncd is available by default and replaces not only ntpdate, but also the client portion of ntp. timesyncd will keep your Mint workstation time in sync. Try the command $timedatectl status for a confidence check.

Musolee 4 years ago

this is an essential component in the OS. Am surprised it wasn't installed by default.

Renaissance_Man 6 years ago

Why is this not included by default in Mint?

Quexos 9 years ago

This should be a default install and is not...unlike a lot of other silly junk that is.

jahid_0903014 10 years ago

necessary application...to keep you synchronized with internet time

BubuFR 10 years ago

cool for syncro online - With Mint 13 Maya 32bits

haniplus 11 years ago

Important application for Linux

zapbuzz 12 years ago

Linux Mint 14 x64 (mate) useful to use online time/date synchronise feature

M4CGYV3R 12 years ago

Linux Mint 13 (MATE) | Sin inconvenientes.