
recorder and streamer for live video content
  13 reviews

OBS Studio is designed for efficiently recording and streaming live video content. It supports live RTP streaming to various streaming sites.

Other features include: * Encoding using H264 (x264) and AAC * Unlimited number of scenes and sources * File output to MP4 or FLV * GPU-based game capture for high performance game streaming * Bilinear or lanczos3 resampling

Note that OBS Studio requires an OpenGL 3.2 compatible video card.
Latest reviews
ALH477 7 months ago

Running on a Framework 16 laptop with IGPU just fine. Leave it to the windows user to act as if this software doesn't run as good on it's native open source platform.

mjelic 7 months ago

Works great on Windows... Not so much on Mint, which I am really sad about. I have two cameras I wantd to connect but it keeps crashing when I try to set up the second camera. Devastated.

qwertyuiop 8 months ago

It just has that 1 error that pops up

pukkuro 9 months ago

Whenever I click the record button I always get this error - Failed to open NVENC codec: Generic error in an external library Check your video drivers are up to date. Try closing other recording software which might be using NVENC such as NVIDIA Shadowplay or Windows 10 Game DVR

joao-gs 1 year ago

Aplicativo Perfeito! Eu peço que vocês da equipe linux mint tenham atenção com a atualização do software, pos a versão dele ta bastante atrás da versão realmente atual.

Stonley890 1 year ago

OBS is easy to use, yet powerful, which I believe is what every tool should aim to be. It works flawlessly on Linux Mint and if you're looking to record or stream anything, this is a great way to do it.

Arisma 2 years ago

Mantep banget nh untuk ngerekam dan buat video tutorial

lericony 2 years ago

lst ja an sich ein sehr gutes und vor allem mächtiges Tool und dazu quelloffen. Aber warum habe ich in der Linux-Version keine Möglichkeit, als Quelle die "Spielaufnahme" zu wählen, wie unter Windows?

xrdeem 3 years ago

Nice to have OBS on the Software Manager but I only found it here after installing it from obsproject.com. I originally searched for it here, but couldn't find it using "obs" as a search term. I found out the package name was obs-studio, type it in search, and lo and behold, It pops up! You guys oughta fix the keywords for this to 'obs' and 'studio' separately. You'd get a lot more uptake, and more users as well afaik.

FinixFighter 4 years ago

This software is amazing! You can record your screen, stream, and much much more!

johannfromthere 4 years ago

I find it annoying that I have to check and change the sound settings at the start of every session. Why would it not be able to just save and keep the settings? Other than that, I guess the software is good.

crhylove 4 years ago

Best way to record your desktop or video from a webcam BY FAR!

Hundertfache-QQ 4 years ago

It have all you need to stream... Screen .... Window... application... Just Diashow sucks. Options ar good usable keys to switch viewing material.