
Fast, secure, easy-to-use web browser
  15 reviews

Opera is a fast, secure, and user-friendly web browser. It includes a built-in ad blocker, Video pop-out, and free VPN.
Latest reviews
ra-dio 2 months ago

Only Snap version of Opera is able to fully play all types of media. Flatpak and deb are not able.

MrBlock 7 months ago

The browser works fine except for one glaring issue- streaming from Youtube, Crunchyroll, Amazon, ect cannot be played.

name 7 months ago

Nach einer Neuinstallation meines Systems lässt sich Opera (Version: 112.0.5197.30) nicht mehr Deutsch nutzen. Preferred languages 1. German (Germany) 2. German Spell check gleiche Wahl. Mein System erfährt regelmäßig alle nötigen Updates dies nützt jedoch für die Opera-Einstellung nichts, bleibt Englisch. Auf Aira und emojis in tab tooltip kann ich gerne verzichten. Die Opera-System-Einstellungen würde ich jedoch gerne in meiner Sprache vornehmen. War mal der beste Browser. Google translates: After reinstalling my system, Opera (version: 112.0.5197.30) can no longer be used in German. Preferred languages 1. German (Germany) 2. German Spell check same choice. My system regularly receives all the necessary updates, but this is of no use for the Opera setting, it remains English. I can happily do without Aira and emojis in tab tooltip. However, I would like to configure the Opera system settings in my language. Was once the best browser.

harrygrey 8 months ago

Schlecht zu konfigurieren. Erkennt die Sprache des Betriebssytems nicht. Also nur für Anglisten brauchbar. Das ist mit Abstand mittlerweile einer der schlechtesten Browser. Habe den Browser deinstalliert.

porronfrio 1 year ago

To be able to play videos from Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, Twitch and other streaming platforms you must do the following: Temporarily install a version of vivaldi or a version of vivaldi-snapshot that uses the same major version of Chromium as your Opera and grab its libffmpeg.so from var/opt/vivaldi/media-codecs-.../ or var/opt/vivaldi-snapshot/media-codecs-.../. Make sure proprietary codecs work fine in Vivaldi first. After having installed vivaldi, copy the libffmpeg.so file and paste it in the path /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/lib_extra/, if the lib_extra folder is not created, you must create it first and then paste the file libffmpeg.so inside. Finally, open the browser and check if it plays videos on your favorite platforms. Note: Whenever Opera updates to use a new major version of Chromium, your libffmpeg.so will become incompatible (and might even cause Opera to start crashing). When this happens, you'll have to find a new libffmpeg.so that's compatible with the new major version of Chromium. I will change my rating when they solve this problem.

GlebDev 1 year ago

Опера мой любимый браузер. Использую его так же для веб-разработки. Мне нравиться как тут сделана экспресс-панель. Лучше чем во всех других аналогах.

adoptapet 2 years ago

Opera is the only browser of which I'm aware which allows an easy mouse-click to save a page as a PDF. This is very helpful for keeping a record of an online transaction.

masemoel 2 years ago

It's a very good browser overall, but I won't give more than 3 stars because there is an issue since a lot of time ago where some live videos and other media streaming stuff won't work due to a lack of some codecs. There was a thread on Opera where people shared some workarounds like taking those codecs from Chromium, but those workaround are overwritten after each update, and it's very bad from the Opera team that they haven't fixed this big bug. I hope this to be fixed some day.

Ovalwingnut 3 years ago

Shame.. really liked this app (over that cpu-memory sucking Chrome-Chromium). I was living the dream! THEN... I discovered it's dirty little secret. It's unable to play LIVE video (streams) aka YouTube and other video feeds. Think News & Social Media. I understand it's a legal issue. Copyrighted videos formats seems to be the culprits. This is a serious bonor killer. A Opera SNAP install looks to be a workaround. But I'm not snapping that idea up. Old-school baby! Besides, my TinyTop's SDHD is only 32gb. I've got to watch every byte. I've tried endless libffmpeg work-arounds but without luck. Tired of trying, sadly. I may have to "bend to the will of the snap" :O\ No way I'm going back to Chrome.

METLIR 3 years ago

Да на самом деле, не работает видео на многих сайтах, очень сильно напрягает. В целом очень понравился сначала. YouTube работает, но на мнигих других сайтах видео не работает. Кодаки на самом деле приходится устанавливать вручную. Надеюсь устранят эту серьёзную для нашего века ошибку.

mrsam510 3 years ago

Не работает куча сайтов, где нужно воспроизводить видео. После каждого обновления нужно устанавливать кодеки руками. После последнего обновления и устновки кодеков некоторые сраницы перестали открываться. Для чего этот цирк? Я знаю про лицензии и т.д. Но, например мозила работает, что не так с Оперой?.

efj3n27 3 years ago

Twitchtv TikTok live videos dont open. Hug

marcelopratta 4 years ago

Opera não roda videos do youtube

WhitePhoenix 4 years ago

Would someone please fix this dependency? Without the fix the latest version that can be installed on Mint is 68. Opera 12 with the mail client doesn‘t work at all and settings from the newer versions cannot be transferred to 12 anyway. The following packages have unmet dependencies: opera-stable: Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:3.0) but 1:6.0.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed Depends: libx11-6 (>= 2: but 2:1.6.3-1ubuntu2.2 is to be installed Depends: libxcomposite1 (>= 1:0.3-1) but 1:0.4.4-1 is to be installed Depends: libxdamage1 (>= 1:1.1) but 1:1.1.4-2 is to be installed Depends: libudev1 (>= 183) but 229-4ubuntu21.29 is to be installed

date7_d 4 years ago

Отлично работает на cinnamon 20 незаменимый браузер