
Multi-purpose video editing and processing software
  11 reviews

Avidemux is a free open-source program designed for multi-purpose video editing and processing, which can be used on almost all known operating systems and computer platforms.

Latest reviews
ScubaMan-1970 7 months ago

I tried using this application, using assistance from the Avidemux Forum. The application wouldn't snip out frames (from a MOV file). The forum admin cautioned me about using Flatpack versions (they claim it's broken). I'll uninstall it and reattempt reload... it driectly from the developer (or try another app). Pity.

BobyTrentOne 1 year ago

Can't rip. Only re encode files and No subtitles.

Friedel 2 years ago

Avidemux is a good example for an excellent opensource software!

Medina 3 years ago


rickmint20 3 years ago

La aplicación Funciona bien en mi i3-1005G1

delHalcon 3 years ago

It doesn't work, at first. In the terminal i've received output :ldconfig unsuccesfull, output staus 32512

Thomas_Riedel 4 years ago

Good video software. Unfortunately, the volume control doesn't work for me. :-(

markator 5 years ago

Excelent tool! I use it to crop video in Linux Mint but it's so much more! It took me a while to learn that I can do as many crops as I want without closing the video file.

RussWill 5 years ago

I'm so glad this works so well ! I don't know if I'd go back to windoze, but it's GREAT to have it here :-) Flatpaks are a good thing, Yes?

mazuriktc 6 years ago

Пока ещё не тестировал программу полностью, но как минимум быстро нарезать видео и сохранить в нужном формате помогла именно эта программа. Понятный и удобный интерфейс. Благодарность разработчикам.

justhelpingothers 6 years ago

works perfectly. I've used it on windows for years and I can't find any differences