
Play and organize all your music
  4 reviews

Rhythmbox is a music management application, designed to work well under the GNOME desktop. In addition to music stored on your computer, it supports network shares, podcasts, radio streams, portable music devices (including phones), and internet music services such as and Magnatune.

Rhythmbox is Free software, based on GTK+ and GStreamer, and is extensible via plugins written in Python or C.

Latest reviews
SilenceIsG0lden 5 months ago

Well, not sure that I hate it, but it's not usable for me. Neither the stock Rhythmbox that comes with LM 21.3, nor the more up-to-date Flatpak seem to be able to handle large libraries, at least not on a network drive. I have a drive that's connected to our router, which holds all our ripped CDs and downloaded FLACs. A total of 365.5 GB, almost 30k items. I've tried thrice to have Rhythmbox index this drive ("Import", as they so misleadingly call it). It correctly figures out how many tracks there are, but then it somehow loses the plot: despite my 4 CPUs and my at one point setting all the Rhythmbox processes to highest priority, it only uses each CPU less than 30%. That wouldn't be so tragic, but then it tells me it will take about 6 days to index my music (I am NOT exaggerating, only rounding). I had decided to let it do just that, but twice it just crapped out at one point, after a few hours, and reset the whole interface, not knowing anymore where it had found that music. I'm giving up and begging Media Monkey once again to finally make their Linux version. There is no appropriate alternative on Linux to MM. Such a shame.

conskieske 1 year ago

Basic player that has issues with playing. Annoying "feature" that doesn't allow it to close like any other GUI app. A lot of plugins and that don't actually do anything. Making this the default player in Mint just makes Mint look bad. Pick a better player that works and works properly.

WhiteWolfe 3 years ago

since my music collection is quite large, this program helps me tremendously. It is very simple, but there are many plugins that can be installed additionally. It works very quickly and reliably, which is why Rhythmbox is one of the best programs of its kind for me.

leolimajc 6 years ago

É simples, cheio de recurso e funcional. Utilizo tanto como player padrao como meu agregador de Podcast. Muito bom e na versal Flatpack fica melhor ainda. Recomendadíssimo no Mint e manjaro.