
Video editor
  20 reviews

Shotcut is a free and open-source cross-platform video editing application for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Shotcut supports many video, audio, and image formats via FFmpeg and screen, webcam, and audio capture. It uses a time-line for non-linear video editing of multiple tracks that may be composed of various file formats. Scrubbing and transport control are assisted by OpenGL GPU-based processing and a number of video and audio filters are available.

Latest reviews
Marco4mp 9 months ago

The best free and opensource video editor I have used on Linux so far. The development of the project remains very active so it is normal that a new update with improvements comes out every month. The Flatpak version works very well and it is always in its latest version.

catorwilde 1 year ago

Simple à utiliser, même pour un débutant. je le trouve plus performant que kden live. (Easy to use, even for a beginner. I find it more efficient than kdenlive).

docent27 1 year ago

Сучасний, зручний та простий відеоредактор. Доволі стабільний на відміну від ішних аналогічних редакторів. Але функціонал доволі базовий, підтримка графічного прискорювача теж на дуже базовому рівні.

Kim_Anderzzon 1 year ago

Shotcut has better performance than Kdenlive & it doesn't crash. I just works & it's easy to learn. Just click on "Help" & "Tutorials"

dreamhollow4219 2 years ago

ShotCut is a great program itself, but this FlatPak is broken. You're better off getting the official latest version from

Satscape 2 years ago

Other broken flatpak, need to go download it manually from

Lampe2020 2 years ago

I used to edit my YouTube videos with Windows Movie Maker and for that I had to keep a Windows install... Then I came across Shotcut and all I can say is: 1. better performance and stability and 2. more possibilities and 3. and most important: all that for free AND on Linux! The only problem I have with it is that no filter change shows up on the timeline and thus they easily get irreversibly lost when pressing Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+Y.

Mint_XFce 2 years ago

Sadly enough the flatpack has an issue as I can only open it after fresh install. Mint 20.3 XFce 64 bit

MMS209 2 years ago

i like it, but why write some numbers in arabic, just because i am based in the middle east. i want all in English

Agentl074 2 years ago

While I am still learning the app, I would appreciate better font clarity within the menu tabs. Some of the words were not clear. This being said, I am still learning the operations of the app and cannot attest to the technical capabilities.

awes145 3 years ago

Out of ALL of the video editing software, This one definitely deserves it's name.

BigFatBunions 3 years ago

I cant afford preimier pro, Ive used MANY substitutes, this is the BEST by far fr fr

SynTax64 3 years ago

Very gut alternative to the Premiere Pro

herreramax 3 years ago

best of the best, easy and good perfomance, excellent development, no freeze and it work fine. I have a laptop from 2003 and the perfomance is excellent

Starkiller_007 3 years ago

Best free Video Editor

JPS99 4 years ago

Works great on Mint 20.1 Cinnamon 64 bit. Had been using VSDC on Windows 10 before getting fed up with Microsoft and I find Shotcut easier to use!

impuwat 4 years ago

Recently tackled several projects where clips needed to be removed from large video files for courtroom purposes. Openshot, my usual, ground to a screeching halt with the big files. Read about Shotcut and tried it. Performed like a champ! No significant slow downs or issues. Keep up the good work, whoever is working on this project.

Roygillett 4 years ago

Project timelines all but vanished below the bottom of the window making it impossible to see what was going on. Also? Not very inutitive

dipensan 5 years ago

Shotcut is really easy to use. Its my no.1 opensource video editor.

Eztaban 5 years ago

I have used some paid software before and this can do all the same anf even something better. It has a really good community, that is very helpfull when looking for feature, help or troubleshooting. I use this for all my videoediting.