
Send and Receive Files across the Network
  12 reviews

Warpinator allows you to easily connect multiple computers on a local area network and share files quickly and securely.

Latest reviews
Papix 2 years ago

I upload from my Android device a few times each year and noticed the date stamps of the files on my destination computer is the upload date. This is not what I expected as I use date stamps to organise my files.

UmpquaRiver 2 years ago

Airdrop, but better, for Linux! Warpinator is the best user friendly way to transfer files over the LAN.

richolate 2 years ago

es muy bueno y super facil de usar. (it's very good and super easy)

Swiftymorgan 3 years ago

Does not work with Mint 20 Warpinator (Flatpak) 1.2.9

HughF 3 years ago

There are other ways to do this, but Warpinator just makes it so easy to transfer files between devices within your household. Love it!

Danger_Dad 3 years ago

;^) It does what it's meant to do, but it'd be neat to be able to browse files on the remote machine, instead of send-only.

JavierGV 3 years ago

Por ahora la opción más sencilla y rápida de compartir archivos entre Android y LM

babacool 4 years ago

Peut mieux faire : comme ajouter une discution type "chat" pour s'envoyer des messages entres utilisateurs. Dommage que çà marche que sur le même réseau et pas via internet (sauf si ajout vpn). çà ne remplace pas vraiment Samba, c'est un complement certes plus propre et plus sécurisé. J'ai de grand espoirs que ce produit évolue en fonctionnalités et en nombres d'utilisateurs.

mnawij 4 years ago

Worked perfectly as described to share files over a local network.

old-dog 4 years ago

It DOES install, and WORK on 19.3 (64 bit). It is a ONE WAY only tool. I cannot go to another computer on my network and get a file. I can send files only, and only if the receiving computer is set up to receive without acknowledging. and only to whichever location the receiving computer is set up to receive file to.

ricardo06 4 years ago

Unfortunatly, does not install on 19.3 i386. "Invalid package name org.x.Warpinator"

Haggen88 4 years ago

Excellent app to share files on local networks.