
Cloud storage for files, music, contacts, calendars and many more
  14 reviews

Owncloud gives you universal access to your files through a web interface or webdav. it also provides a platform to easily view & sync your contacts, calendars and bookmarks across all your devices and enables basic editing right on the web.
Latest reviews
driver76 7 years ago

Self hosting. Fast broadband and Linux server. Cool!

border0464 8 years ago

This package is way outdated, packaging OwnCloud is a bad idea, Debian & Fedora have drop it

jay4rest 10 years ago

The version of ownCloud in Ubuntu’s Universe repositories is old and full of “multiple critical security vulnerabilities.

talo 10 years ago

very good! , the free alternative to dropbox , and selfhosting

malt1 10 years ago

for a graphical interface need to install "owncloud-client" (this is the GUI interface)

fsamyn 11 years ago

Could not find the program after installing on Mint 16 Cinnamon

mintfulworld 11 years ago

can't see the application in mint13 "maya", even in the main menu settings ...but it is the best app so far for freedom and privacy!

onurmidilli 11 years ago

not for the group usage..

rockking 11 years ago

it works well for me. the default version available with the included repositories is an old version. been using it with Mint 16

alaint 11 years ago

I can't say much about this version (v.4.0.8). But, I am very happy with server v.5.0.6 and sync client v.1.3beta2. I may soon give up using Unison. Probably the best Dropbox alternative, at this time. thanks!!

derrend 12 years ago

Usually i get this from owncloud.org but thought id try it this way, using gnome3 it didn't show in the menu and wasnt in the var directory so how do you access it online? couldn't find save location and dont want to be linking to /etc if that's where it was?? became confused so abandoned the experiment, sorry :(

hazard1nc 12 years ago

So far so good! I wish more documentation came with this for themes and such.. but thanks and good work dev team!

w3news 12 years ago

grweat if you have your own server and enough bandwidth

devenrai 13 years ago

Not for people who do not have sudo access to server