
media player based on GStreamer framework
  7 reviews

Parole is a media player for the Xfce desktop environment, written using the GStreamer framework.

Parole features playback of local media files, including video with subtitles support, DVD/CD and live streams; it is also extensible via plugins.

This package contains Parole media player.
Latest reviews
richolate 1 year ago

es sencillo y muy facil de usar, funciona basicamente para lo que fue creado, espero lo sigan desarollando para mejorarlo mas, porque me gusta. (It is simple and very easy to use, it basically works for what it was created for, I hope they continue to develop it to improve it more, because I like it.)

XP_Studios 4 years ago

Functional media player, though I prefer xplayer

lemonmeyer 5 years ago

This player doesn't play rtsp (RFC 2326 like) streams. It says `GStreamer backend error. Invalid RTSP URI` (rtsp://user:password@

jahid_0903014 9 years ago

this is quite a nice and lightweight media player

michelsaey 10 years ago

Plays about everything and very light and easy. If you just want to play your music and video, this is the player you want!

andreapetrucci 12 years ago

Better than totem

xarlieb 12 years ago

it has great potential.