
Plays back audio files at a different speed or pitch
  3 reviews

Play it slowly is a piece of software to play back audio files at a different speed or pitch. It also allows you to loop over a certain part of a file.

It is intended to help you learn or transcribe songs. It can also play videos thanks to GStreamer.

Play it slowly works with both ALSA and the JACK Audio Connection Kit.
Latest reviews
jvradar 4 years ago

I have a bunch of hymn music that is tempoed too slowly, its nearly perfect, i would recommend one thing though, if there was a way to have preset buttons for remembering diffferent tempos so i dont have to keep setting it to, say, 1.3 if thats a common one I use.

Strings-Player 10 years ago

Powerfull Programm! Helped me a lot in transcribing mp3 to get the notes out of some Songs. Musst Have for guitarists!

niks 11 years ago

perfect for any band or musicain that needs to transpose on the spot or slow something down to get the song right with out lossing almost in real time....