
QEMU Full virtualization on x86 hardware
  9 reviews

QEMU is a fast processor emulator. This package provides just a wrapper script /usr/bin/kvm which run qemu-system-x86 in kvm mode for backwards compatibility.
Latest reviews
EndEmpire 2 years ago

In case anyone is confused, this is command line based and won't show up when you search through your apps. If you want a GUI, you need to install some other software that provides one.

n0body_special 2 years ago

I installed it, or so the software manager says. Guess qemu got lost somewhere on the way

EdmundF 3 years ago

Brilliant, installed and nowhere to be found! Now what?

_Mint_Condition_ 3 years ago

Works great and it's open source (unlike VirtualBox and other virtual machines). Qemu-KVM is a great privacy and security choice.

powerhouse 6 years ago

Powerful virtualisation solution, especially when used with VGA passthrough; unfortunately the documentation is a mess. Good alternative to Xen, except lack of proper management tools. 2.5 years later the documentation is still a mess! qemu 2.11 got many more features, but many are undocumented. Even the included file:///usr/share/doc/qemu-system-common/qemu-doc.html file is full of outdated info. Remember, undocumented feature = bug.

misko_2083 10 years ago

It's ok but needs work on 3D to catch up with Wmware and VirtualBox

ulrich3110 11 years ago

Not bad, the virtaulization with VirtualBox is better, 3D support.

nagalman 12 years ago

Best virtualization software for Linux period. Much better than VirtualBox

patrick 14 years ago

best debug tool for linux kernel