
Data analysis and scientific plotting
  10 reviews

Qtiplot is a fully fledged plotting software similar to the OriginLab Origin software (See http://www.originlab.com for more information about Origin).

It can make two and three dimensional plots of publication quality, both from datasets and functions. It can do non-linear fitting and multi-peak fitting.

Some Features:
* Cross platform: works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix
* Fully Python scriptable
* OpenGL based 3D plotting
* Publication quality plots and easy export to various image formats
(EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc ...)
* Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting system
* Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations
and easy import/export of multiple files
* One-click access to extensive built-in data analysis routines
* Advanced statistical analysis: Student's t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square
test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk)
* Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting and estimation
of statistical errors of the fit-parameters
* Multi-peak fitting
* Image analysis tools
* Templates support: all settings for plots, tables and matrices can
be saved and restored later on for a fast editing process
* Project files based on folders, a powerful project explorer with
built-in drag and drop and searching facilities
* Full import of Excel workbooks and Open Document Format
spreadsheets, dBase, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases
Latest reviews
sebdine 5 years ago

This software is fantastic. I have been using it in my work for 5 years now. You should really consider purchasing the last version and the maintenance contract. It's worth it. The author is very responsive.

dougT 8 years ago

Use it in lieu of Sigmaplot, mostly for proper and flexible probability scaling. Program is much more powerful! Registration terms are reasonable and the author is also very responsive.

ManuelMB 9 years ago

I wasn't able to get Scidavis, so I had no choice. It's similar but you have to get used to.

Ali_RNT 10 years ago

I love it.It`s good for school projects...

aeksiri 10 years ago

It was help me to get master degree of eng.

francheu 12 years ago

The fit wizzard is a really great tool.

yorkin 12 years ago

Program is great. It can close up on it own from time to time, but its data manipulation abilites are great. Good for Masters.

zuska 13 years ago

I like it although there could be some universal format to be portable between origin and other software, origin is in heavy use at universities

ighare 13 years ago

Qtiplot is pretty much essential for any scientist, or anyone who does any sort of graphing. It is simply amazing and creates publication quality graphs.

m4daredsun 14 years ago

It's a great free replacement for origin. Stable and fast, it is definitely a useful piece of software. However, conversion of origin files (*.opj format) usually does not work. Also 3D plotting is a bit rough.