Title | Score | |
11 years ago | Howto set screen brightness in Toshiba Satellite T130 | 4 |
Software | Score |
inkscape "Excellent software for drawing but difficult to use sometimes" |
4 |
python "Python is a programming language which gives you countless and unlimited possibilities. You can use to do whatever you want" |
5 |
python-scipy "Simply great. A comprehensive library for the development of scientific and technical tools in Python" |
5 |
python-numpy "Numpy is a Python library to handle arrays of data. It provides plenty of functions which can ease/boost your code development process." |
4 |
engauge-digitizer "So useful and friendly when you have to extract numerical values from graphs" |
5 |
octave3.2 "Not bad but I prefer [python + numpy + scipy + matplotlib] for scientific/technical computing and data processing" |
3 |
lxpanel "A bit unfriendly when you try to configure it at the very beginning, but then it becomes a great tool. I suggest to use it with Openbox and PCManFM to create your custom lightweight desktop environment" |
5 |
pcmanfm "I use it with the Openbox window manager and everything works perfectly. It's a really amazing file manager and incredibly lightweight" |
5 |
nautilus "Nautilus is the standard file manager for the Gnome desktop. It is a good tool with plenty of configuration possibilities. However, I have the feeling it is slow and heavy from time to time. PCManFM can be be a valid alternative, especially if your hardware is not so recent" |
4 |
openbox "Very fast and light and good. The official window manager of LXDE targeted for hardware with low resources" |
5 |
mint-artwork-common "One of the reasons for the success of all Linux Mint editions" |
5 |
gcalctool "Nice application for quick calculations. @shimi: complex numbers are in advanced mode. arcsin = sin -1" |
4 |
gdb "Command line debugger and, as such, rather difficult to use. However, it does its job perfectly" |
4 |
openoffice.org-draw "Don't find it so useful" |
3 |
openoffice.org-impress "Ridiculous replacement for powerpoint. One of the reasons for which I need to keep a working MS OS on my machines" |
1 |
minitube "*** :-( It doesn't work anymore :-( *** Great app & flash-independent!!! But don't expect many options to play with..." |
1 |
gedit-plugins "Great set of plugins. My favourite ones: session saver, join/split lines, code comment," |
5 |
revtex "Obsolete. This says everything" |
1 |
exuberant-ctags "It enables a couple of useful gedit plugins" |
4 |
wine "Wine is great to install and run Windows applications. Not easy to use though" |
4 |
startupmanager "Never had a problem with this tool. A simple and effective application to manage GRUB settings, especially for multiple boot systems. Forget about messing with GRUB configuration files..." |
5 |
exaile "My favorite music player. Simple to use, integrated equalizer, works with files and internet radio" |
5 |
compiz "It brings lots of functionalities and effects. Amazing application" |
5 |
compizconfig-settings-manager "A bit unfriendly, but you do need this app to get the best out of compiz, like desktop cube" |
4 |
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra "Burning windows and widget layers. Great!" |
5 |
mintmenu "really good menu and constantly improving" |
5 |
mintinstall "Simple app with very nice search capabilities. However, mintinstall provides only little information during/after software install, which is quite bad" |
3 |
mintupdate "Update process made easy & painless" |
5 |
unetbootin "I don't like it much" |
3 |
vlc "Great player!" |
5 |
cairo-dock "light, eye-candy, and nice animations but not perfect" |
4 |
usb-creator "Great tool! I use it to create live usb's and test distros on my notebook (which has no cd)" |
5 |
virtualbox-guest-additions "Essential!" |
5 |
xfce4-taskmanager "Note as gnome-system-monitor, but it does greatly its work" |
4 |
mint-artwork-gnome "Great!!!!!!" |
5 |
lxterminal "I like it as it is: the lightest and the fastest" |
5 |
lxde "My favourite. LXDE rules" |
5 |
gnome-system-monitor "Heavy or not, I like it and I use it!!!" |
5 |
synaptic "The perfect package manager for both Linux Mint and Ubuntu" |
5 |
thunderbird "My favorite e-mail client. Simple & friendly" |
5 |
python-matplotlib "The syntax may look a bit difficult in the very beginning. But once you get used to it, you can plot your data with infinite possibilities. I use matplotlib in my daily scientific work and it rocks!!!!" |
5 |
qtiplot "It's a great free replacement for origin. Stable and fast, it is definitely a useful piece of software. However, conversion of origin files (*.opj format) usually does not work. Also 3D plotting is a bit rough." |
4 |
evince "I like the possibility to open documents in various formats (pdf,eps,dvi...) with one single tool. ++++" |
5 |
skype "Skype is great but this 2.1 beta version is definitely outdated" |
3 |
gedit "I use it everyday to edit any kind of file, from basic text to C++ code. Can't live without it" |
5 |
virtualbox-3.1 "Perfect tool to run Win software and test Os's" |
5 |
gparted "Great Tool. Had no problem so far" |
5 |
openoffice.org "3 only because OO-impress is very bad compared to PowerPoint" |
3 |
chromium "Good and fast but RAM consuming" |
4 |