
GUI for FFmpeg
  4 reviews

This is a free and open source media converter frontend to FFmpeg. FFmpeg is a powerful command-line utility to convert audio and video file into numerous formats. QWinFF features a rich set of presets to help users use FFmpeg easily without having to manually input command-line flags. Average users can convert multiple media files in just a few clicks, while advanced users can still adjust conversion parameters in detail.
Latest reviews
brunmer4 5 months ago

Works well on Linux Mint 22 and Debian 12. Nice FFmpeg frontend wich lots of settings. Even lets you choose the number of threads allocated to it during conversion.

Lima 2 years ago

Funciona bem.

Minessota_Klei 3 years ago

Excellent application to convert media files, works great on Linux Mint 20.2!

Vasilis_K 4 years ago

Awesome! Though it doesn't seem to be developed any more. it works like a charm on Mint 20.1, and is literally the succesor of WinFF, with more features, like video preview when trimming!