
Raw image converter
  10 reviews

To get the best quality out of your digital camera, it is often recommended that you record your pictures in raw format. this format is mostly specific to a camera and cannot be read by most image editing applications.

rawstudio will convert your raw files into jpeg, png or tif images. it has a graphical user interface, so you can simply open a raw file and experiment with the controls to see how they effect the image.

the normal workflow would be that you first convert your raw files and then use an image editing application to further work on your images. rawstudio itself is a highly specialized application for processing raw images, not a fully featured image editing application.
Latest reviews
coucouster 9 years ago

not working with RAF of fuji

fotonix 9 years ago

I like the controls and being in control of where files land up. No 'library' that clunks around. Good performance even on my old machine. GUI and controls are intuitive to a photographer, unlike too many other such apps. Night photography images showed major rectangular areas - darktable did better, but it could just be me working in a hurry. Sadly, not worked on in 4 years+ and project page is now offline(2015). Dang, I liked it, now I must learn a new tool.

omarspencephoto 9 years ago

It is quick and easy to use, but the noise reduction is terrible. The patchy, cross hatched thing in the shadows is unusable and the noise is difficult to remove in GIMP if you opt to do it then. An ap is only as good as the results it produces.

warlock2 10 years ago

It wont work with raw extentrion from sony, with jpeg I don't have any problems with this program.

neowalla 10 years ago

Will not open images, RAW or JPG. Doesn't get any more useless than that.

Egor 11 years ago

Сравнивал с UFRaw RAWTherapee. В RAWStudio наиболее интуитивно понятный интерфейс. Для тех, кто только начинает работать с RAW (таких как я), порог вхождения самый низкий, самое то! Возможно и профессионалам тоже понравится.

stevebiker 13 years ago

RawTherapee is better

Sergians 13 years ago


blueXrider 13 years ago

ufraw is much better for RAW files and the process time is much less

900i 13 years ago

It's the biz for tethered shooting.