
Flexible project management web application
  2 reviews

Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database.

Dependencies for database support are provided by these metapackages: redmine-mysql, redmine-pgsql, redmine-sqlite.

* Multiple projects support
* Flexible role based access control
* Flexible issue tracking system
* Gantt chart and calendar
* News, documents & files management
* Feeds & email notifications
* Per project wiki
* Per project forums
* Time tracking
* Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
* SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
* Issue creation via email
* Multiple LDAP authentication support
* User self-registration support
* Multilanguage support
Latest reviews
TrumblebumSky 7 years ago

This installed perfectly I think, but did not install the webserver software required to use the program. I found the source code is available and can be installed, but the website is now a placeholder. There are some websites and youtube videos showing how to use RedMine that are helpful, and they will also cover how to install the webserver on your linux mint or linux ubunty system as well. There is a lack of support from the originators of RedMine and this is confusing to me. Have found another fork or replacement to redmine called "EasyRedMine" which seems to be a very well supported pay to use licenced version which I suggest people explore. Date of Comment - Dec 2017

kfurkanbek 8 years ago

I think more people should be using this!