Ich verwende es als Tagebuch. Es ist Einfach und Schnell. Alte Einträge lassen sich nach Worten durchsuchen und Ein Backup kann auch schnell auf einen Usb-Stick gemacht werden.
The fields of the application window in the new version have become black, nothing can be seen. You can edit the text, but you can't view it. Disgusting!
Great - I use this for everyday notes, phone numbers etc and can find a note from 18 months ago in a second - so useful. I wish I could remove or minimize the right hand pane though . . . and now a few versions later I can - thankyou! It is so useful to have multiple shortcuts on the desktop each opening a separate notebook - eg could be diary, purchases, computer log, comms etc. Newer versions available by ppa have some advantages.
Really not user friendly. Takes too much time to understand how it is working.
Just downloaded is and it's great, just what I wanted: a simple, clear, self-updating calender that I can keep notes for each day and export to others. Not sure why the target folder is hidden.
В целом неплохо. Но функция ведения заметок совсем уж простенькая. Нет парольной защиты заметок. Заметки только текстовые. Возможна вставка ссылок на иллюстрации, как в html.
Molto bella, interfaccia pulita, ed essenziale.. amore a prima vista, VERY BEST APP BEAUTY CLEANLOOK
absolutely excellent calendar application. Exactly what I was searching for. :)