
web-based binary newsreader with nzb support
  20 reviews

SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.

Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications, and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with the program.

This package contains the program itself and all interface templates.
Latest reviews
Szandor 11 months ago

Works perfect - THE BEST NZB Downloader!

Pierre_L 9 years ago

Pour moi le meilleur logiciel pour télécharger sur les newzgroups: hautement configurable et super stable !

DrizzttoUrden 10 years ago

So klein und doch so groß... ;) LINUX MINT 17 Cinnamon 64bit, Danke

wBudge 10 years ago

Works a treat making Usenet ridiculously easy, solid and reliable too; the only caveat being UUDecoding (images) which only handles single part files, just saying.

whiskyboy 12 years ago

Does what it says on the tin, Previously using newsleecher on windowz and this has all the same functions for free 5 star

silicont 12 years ago


Snoopy77 13 years ago

Stabil, schnell und einfach eingerichtet. Absolut empfehlenswert für leute, die mit .nzb arbeiten !

SeB132 13 years ago

très bon grabber, interface intégrée au navigateur, 3 thèmes dispo, historique de down avec total des Mo téléchargés au jour, a la semaine, au mois ... histoire de maitriser sa consommation ( ou pas ) :-D, bref que du bonheur pour vos nzb ;-)

tower41000 13 years ago

nice and sleek.. the best !

error 13 years ago

simply the best newsreader arround multiplattform / stable / fast

billymadsen 14 years ago

the best out by leaps and bounds

dvc05 14 years ago

It's free, powerful, and has great integration with SickBeard and Couchpotato for full automation.

Qruqs 14 years ago

You will need nothing besides this. Well, a Usenet account may come in handy...

ahmad 14 years ago

works great...I find it the best

5_O_Clock_Charlie 14 years ago

When I first converted from windows I was pining for Newsleecher, but after installing sabnzbdplus I fell in love all over again !

xenogia 14 years ago

Best Usenet reader on the face of the planet. Even has a built web server to view outside of your home.

Gotenks 14 years ago

Excellent and free!

inhuman_4 14 years ago

This newsgrabber is simply amazing. If you use newsgroups for binary file look no further then sabnzbdplus. It has a ton of features and is very easy to use.

Nickname1000 14 years ago

It can do everything you ever want from a newsgrabber.

alkaliv2 14 years ago

Best linux newsreader around. Does everything hellanzb used to do and more.