Title | Score |
Software | Score |
com.plexamp.Plexamp "I love plexamp. So many more capabilities than the server's player" |
5 |
pokerth "fun" |
5 |
calibre "Excellent software, works great with Kindle" |
5 |
f-spot "WARNING changed all the times and dates on my photos after importing. Took a while to catch too, noticed my son was born on the 12th instead of the 11th. Rapid-Photo-Downloader is the best photo importer on any system; highly customizable and dependable. Rapid and manually updated Picasa is great." |
1 |
sabnzbdplus "the best out by leaps and bounds" |
5 |
gnome-sudoku "good game that lets you print out puzzles" |
5 |
amarok "a royal pain in the a**" |
2 |
picasa "great program. have to update it yourself though" |
4 |
unetbootin "very handy" |
4 |
k3b "beats Brasero hands down" |
5 |
gparted "best i've found" |
4 |
vlc "Dependable as hell" |
5 |