
terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
  19 reviews

GNU Screen is a terminal multiplexer that runs several separate "screens" on a single physical character-based terminal. Each virtual terminal emulates a DEC VT100 plus several ANSI X3.64 and ISO 2022 functions. Screen sessions can be detached and resumed later on a different terminal.

Screen also supports a whole slew of other features, including configurable input and output translation, serial port support, configurable logging, and multi-user support.
Latest reviews
s41t0 2 years ago

I can't use a system without this tool. Also great for getting multiple remote terminals over a single ssh connection. If you use this application you may be interested in tmux or zellij.

Intangir 4 years ago

I guess im giving it a try, seems similar enough to pluma/gedit so far that i haven't noticed much problem. so far so good. nothing gained and very little missing since gedit/pluma

lib2know 9 years ago

very important is the persistent sessions feature especially while journeys through regions with weak connections. For splitting screens on the terminal tmux might be better.

skuttis4u 9 years ago

cannot live without it when having multiple SSH sessions to resume my work with

blaztek 10 years ago

Love using it for my Minecraft and Minecraft PE servers!

Maspo10 10 years ago


wfong 11 years ago

Essential to every Linux system

dnixx 12 years ago

Anyone who uses the terminal should check out screen.

silverdirk 12 years ago

I can't use a system without this tool. Replace laggy alt-tab window manager operations with lightning-fast ^A sequences. Also great for getting multiple remote terminals over a single ssh connection.

daeme 13 years ago

a must-to-have for every shell power user!

chassum 13 years ago

Essential tool for anyone who needs a remote command line. Don't leave home without it.

RavS 13 years ago


grim 13 years ago

One of my fav apps of all time! Incredibly useful!

lonewolf367 14 years ago

A *nix necessity!

stimuli 14 years ago

If you learn to use it, you will quickly realize how incredibly handy and powerful screen is.

hybrid 14 years ago

Nagyon hasznos!

Tar-Minyatur 14 years ago

I can't count anymore how often screen saved my work when my ssh session suddenly died. In some cases it lacks usability though.

jkw 14 years ago

As distrohopper said. But in addition to that, I'd like to add the possibility to run programs in the background on a server which you have shell access on. Maybe working on compiling something, chatting over irssi, compressing some file to your webhotel with ssh access too and much much more.

distrohopper 14 years ago

Great for reducing desktop clutter! I don't need 10 terminal windows open at once, only 1 (or 2)