
Widget-like mini-applications for gnome
  20 reviews

Screenlets are small owner-drawn applications (written in python) that can be described as "the virtual representation of things lying/standing around on your desk". sticky notes, clocks, rulers, ... the possibilities are endless.

the goal of the screenlets base-classes is to simplify the creation of fully themable mini-apps that each solve basic desktop-work-related needs and generally improve the usability and eye-candy of the modern composited linux-desktop.

* real applications, no html-"widgets"
* easy to use, easy to develop
* full compositing support
* works with any composited x desktop (compiz, xfce4, ...)
* works also on non-composited desktop
* included ability to apply themes (svg, png or mixed)
* fully scalable when using svgs
* embedded drag&drop-support
* automated storing of options (using ini or gconf)
* controllable through customizable d-bus service
* can be used together with compiz' widget-plugin to create a
dashboard-like feature as seen on os x
* uses cairo and gtk2 for drawing and windowing
Latest reviews
SweetieDearie 3 years ago

Not available

dicksonmaxcastillo 9 years ago

did't work

mesudeeprana 9 years ago


TejTrooper 9 years ago

working perfectly in LinuxMint 17.2 64bit

rayanspawn1 10 years ago

It doesn't show any gadgets !!!

michelsaey 10 years ago

If you want applets on your desktop is this a very good app. Works very good in Mate.

vandamme 10 years ago

Website disabled, PPA down

elstellino 10 years ago

works amazingly on my Linux Mint Maya Cinnamon 64. I installed it for sysmonitor, the rubbish bin, and calendar. Infopanel takes a bit of time to tailor it to your needs, but once done it's fantastic, much better than conky that isn't as easy to set up. Conky is possibly sleeker, but this is more useable. The bin is a bin. Calendar is a calendar, smart and nice. I didn't manage to make weather work, but it's inside Infopanel anyway. Oh, I also installed the clock, Sensor-X1, which goes quite well with the FuriusMoon of the other packet. Edit of the next morning: for reasons which are unknown to me Infopanel, Trash, and Clear Calendar aren't starting on login. This means that I have to start them manually each time, and Infopanel particularly loses ALL its settings, forcing to re-enter them each time. Bugger. Dropping 2 stars because of this. Now using just FuriusMoon

AshutoshKale 10 years ago

Conky is better and Awesome than screenlets

amanarya 10 years ago

doesnt work on my linux mint16 xfce

matthew234 10 years ago

Don't work in Mint 16 KDE

jamied_uk 11 years ago

dosnt work on mint 16 cin 64 bit

Scooby-2 11 years ago

Doesn't work on Mint 15 Xfce

cjrpackwood 11 years ago

Works wonderfully on my eMachine desktop with LinuxMint 15 (Cinnamon). I am a Windows 7 user and use Rainmeter w/gnometer for desktop info. Screenlets SysMonitor and FreemeteoWeather is so similiar to Rainmeter...I love it. I added Rainlender at the bottom of Sysmonitor to complete my desktop. It is just what I have been looking for for the last 2 months. Thank you...Conky is just too quirky to be really useful.

rabbit-stew 11 years ago

Web site down, weather not working, sort of useless.

Alexandros16 11 years ago

Working GOOD!!!! Thanks!!!

zaynali 11 years ago

in Ubuntu 13.4 didn't work fine

drizad 11 years ago

Unless conky can be more user friendly, this will be my choice

andryworty 11 years ago

В Cinnamon под виртуалбоксом не заработало

BeeDung 11 years ago
