
The seamonkey internet suite
  20 reviews

The seamonkey internet suite is a set of internet oriented applications. it is the continuity of the mozilla suite after it has been abandoned in favor of firefox and thunderbird.

the seamonkey internet suite consists of:
- an internet browser (seamonkey navigator)
- an html wysiwyg editor (seamonkey composer)
- a mail and news client (seamonkey mail & newsgroups)
- an address book (seamonkey address book)
this package contains the entire suite.
Latest reviews
Artim 2 years ago

It does what BOTH Firefox AND Thunderbird do, yet with thousands fewer lines of code than Firefox by itself! There's good reason why it's the default choice of several "lightweight" Linux distros.

nintendo1889 3 years ago

It's great if you want powerful control of cookie expiration.

Moem 8 years ago

This is my browser and e-mail client of choice and also a decent HTML editor.

jahid_0903014 10 years ago

nice WYSIWYG web editor

sobiebastian 12 years ago

If you have a problem in terminal run: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:joe-nationnet/seamonkey-dev THAN DO AN UPGRADE sudo apt-get update AND THAN INSTALL sudo apt-get install seamonkey it has got an amazing html editor, under File - go to New and Compose Page - really good

kowari 12 years ago

I never had much luck with it.......

Wallfisher 12 years ago

Seamonkey is my browser of choice. I have upgraded to the 2.8 version and recommend it over the version existing in the repository of Isadora.

Krawujewatz 12 years ago

Das Programm nutze ich schon unter Windows seit Jahren mit Begeisterung.

Tarentula 13 years ago

Elle n'a pas pris une ride malgré ce que l'on peut dire :)

rcagle 13 years ago

Although it works better in windows version, it kept disappearing from Linit Linux without any messages. Decided to uninstall.

CHuLoYo 13 years ago

I like it, all integrated internet services.

glubbar 13 years ago

I've been using it for quite some time now. It is somewhat superior to its little bro(w)ther FireFox. More robust anyway.

Xyie 13 years ago

I enjoy using this. You can also just pick the components of the suite that you want, but if you prefer a suite over standalone programs, this is the browser package you're looking for.

wanda 14 years ago

Out off the time.

Tuhin 14 years ago


nicu 14 years ago

Not a good alternative to Chromium or Firefox ...

Elisa 14 years ago

I used and tested seamoneky enough long that I can say - it might be good just for 'easy' browsing, supporting many add-ons like firefox (FF) but some add-ons which work perfect in FF do not wotk in Seamonkey! E.g. tor button :-((( Do not install tor button in Seamoneky ! All will get to s... :-( You can use tor in seamonkey but must set tor settings manually or by mm3 switch add-on. Torbutton for FF works only in FF ;-)

a2d2 14 years ago

...every day in peppermint, other linux osś and win7 ...its fastest mail client

tamoghna4 14 years ago


ceptor 14 years ago

als webdesigner kommt man um diesen browser nicht herum