Title | Score | |
14 years ago | How to change CapsLock key into Backspace | 7 |
13 years ago | Taming Docky - keeping it out of the guest session | 5 |
14 years ago | Open pdf files within Firefox window | 1 |
Software | Score |
gnome-theme-gilouche "Be warned, this theme conflicts with one of the mint-artwork packages." |
2 |
midori "A simple browser that's easy to use. Streamlined interface, works like Opera, feels like Firefox, light like Chromium. A bit unstable at times for now, however. must disable extentions and features to keep it from crashing." |
3 |
seamonkey "I enjoy using this. You can also just pick the components of the suite that you want, but if you prefer a suite over standalone programs, this is the browser package you're looking for." |
4 |
seamonkey-chatzilla "A fairly decent IRC client. It works better as this standalone program than as an add-in for Firefox, in my opinion." |
4 |
seamonkey-browser "This is a very nice browser with the nostalgic feel of Netscape, and the power of Mozilla. It functions alone or fits well into a suite of software. Recommended if you like Firefox but want a browser suite rather than a standalone program. (And get just the parts of the suite you want!)" |
5 |
planets "It's a fun program to play around with, but the tools aren't great for a solid understanding of the mechanics behind what you're doing - or they're not completely clear on them. Anyhow it's very fun to try and build star systems with it, you can get some nice and/or complex orbits going!" |
4 |
tomboy "Not too bad, even though I'm yet finding a niche for a note-taking application in my computer use. Tried it out for re-typing notes for class definitions, and ended up with something with which I can connect information to previous entries for review." |
4 |
gextractwinicons "Works very well to get icons out of files. There's some minor features I wish this tool had, but it gets done what it claims very easily and very well." |
4 |
rssowl "I wasn't really checking many RSS feeds before RSSOwl - this utility is easy enough that it got me hooked on a quick way to get info on several sites, without opening a browser." |
4 |
finch "You will want to read the manual before using this, but if you use pidgin, but also spend much time in terminal, you'll find this useful. It's at least good to have on-hand as a backup..." |
4 |
ubuntu-tweak "Lo and behold, you can set the login-screen background! And that's not NEARLY all this little utility does." |
5 |
xsane "Xsane opened up more features for my scanjet scanner. Simple scan worked well, but wouldn't offer to scan negatives or slides - two features of this scanjet scanner. Xsane not only offered those features, but also had features reminescint of the features that the HP software offered for scanning. If you want to want to use your scanner's full features, or are having trouble with scans using simple scan, try xsane." |
4 |
topshelf "Useful, but not very configurable. Maintains a low profile on the panel, but compensated with a large window that appears when you click the icon. Don't expect a menu out of this applet, nor a settings manager." |
4 |
hamster-applet "This program looks very good for keeping track of how much time you spend on different things, and may just show you how much time you're wasting playing that video game... er... it may let you prove to the boss how must time you've been spending on your projects." |
5 |
file-browser-applet "Very useful to navigate folders you use files out of often, without having to open a file manager. Offers configuration for more than one folder, so you can limit or broaden its scope as needed." |
4 |
window-picker-applet "Looks like a good tool for customizing Gnome for a small screen. Offers all non-maximized windows as icons for saving space, and uses the rest of the space for a title bar of the maximized window. I think i've seen a suggestion to use this one with "maximus" if I remember the name correctly, so that the window title bar doesnt' take up extra space when maximised, but instead moves to this applet." |
4 |
timer-applet "Simple to use straight from the panel for reminders, pops up subtle notification when its finished that's quick to spot but not interfering with whatever you're working on. Great for reminders like checking the oven!" |
5 |
pcmanfm "Lightweight, and works well with any desktop. Great if you want to use an alternative desktop environment or window manager only sometimes, but have issues with nautilus "taking over" your desktop background when you simply want a file manager." |
4 |
b43-fwcutter "Does a great job at getting some otherwise troublesome wireless cards working easily." |
4 |
step "Very nice physics simulation for multiple kinds of projects." |
4 |
kolourpaint4 "Great for a quick doodle! Sometimes it's all you need for a simple graphic. When you don't need fancy, but need to draw, this works nicely." |
5 |
konversation "This is a pretty decent irc client for using while in kde. Very little to be overwhelmed or confused with, but neither lacking in features." |
4 |
konquest "I must admit, I've spent a bit too much time on this game before." |
4 |
tiemu "Emulates the calculators wonderfully, provided you have the ti roms. These can be downloaded from TI's site. Alternatively, you can use the free roms provided. No new menu entry was created for this program, however, and it must be started from the command line, or a manual menu entry must be made." |
4 |
f-spot "When it came down to either f-spot or shotwell for editing photos for someone I was helping, shotwell proved much easier to manage. F-spot is not a bad program in and of itself, however, so it's worth trying out to see your own preference." |
4 |
acroread "I prefer evince, but I'd probably recommend this to new users already familiar with the software." |
4 |
psi "I've liked this jabber client before when my university was using the service for the students and I was still using Windows. It's still the same great client since then, and works great for a minimal googletalk client." |
5 |
irssi "Great for reaching irc from the terminal! Easy to figure out if you've ever used irc before." |
5 |
w3m "Renders and works a little differently than lynx, but still a very good text mode browser." |
4 |
gnome-colors "Wonderful, yet simple set of icons. These tend to by my choice when setting a new color scheme for my desktop. Offers a wide variety of colors in a consistent, eye-pleasing collection." |
4 |
gtypist "Very good for a command-line typing tutor. I used this a while over other GUI typing tutors before I found a graphical one I prefered a bit more." |
4 |
wmaker "Not for the inexperienced, nor for those looking for a "traditional" type desktop, but certainly fast! Expect to do quite a bit of reading on how to use it, however." |
4 |
simdock "Appearance is good, but functionality seems troublesome. Settings don't seem to persist (like added launchers or changes to background) upon application restart. Only displays on one desktop in gnome. It's got some good potential as it looks wonderful for not needing compiz or 3d acceleration, but function over form, I say." |
2 |
klavaro "Graphical typing tutor beyond the command-line one I tried. It doesn't need much else installed under gtk. The interface is very simple but not skimping on the features, so it is neither distracting nor intimidating." |
5 |
gourmet "Feature full but not the latest version, so some features are missing, but not ones that seem absolutely essential. Great way to store recipes that you want to share, or for adjusting portions of your favorite dishes!" |
5 |
gwibber "Nice for reading updates, but I can't get it to send updates." |
3 |
blast "Not quite as nice as it could be, but does what it says. Don't expect shotgun holes: expect paint-tool holes." |
2 |
sgt-puzzles "A simple set of puzzle games. You might have to read the manual on how to play each one, but they're simple to figure out after knowing your goal. Good for a lighter set of games on a computer." |
4 |
slingshot "I love how this game teaches you a little bit about gravity while it focuses on a two-player "missile shooter" game. (Compare to some 2-D tank games.) The game runs smoothly, doesn't require fancy graphic drivers, and has very nice textures. None of it looks unfinished in any way, and it's a little addictive." |
5 |
docky "While docks aren't normally my choice interface, this one works nicely and simply. No need to install compiz under Xfce or GNOME, just enable compositing! Only downsides: some of the features don't seem to start for me (like the battery monitor) and if you're using multiple desktop environments, but want it to start only on one of those, you have to manually start it. (Or else make some sort of script only on that desktop, I guess.)" |
4 |
xfce4-datetime-plugin "I highly prefer this as my clock plugin on xfce to the default clock plugin, mainly for the calendar." |
5 |
g++ "Saved me from using a compiler older than 10 years on Windows for my C++ class. Huzzah for something updated within the last few years, and better - being updated!" |
5 |
clamtk "Simple and easy to use GUI front-end to clamav. Lets you quickly get to scanning, and gives you peace of mind that you're not going to spread any viruses that don't affect your Mint system to Windows computers on the network or by mobile media like flash drives." |
5 |
gucharmap "Not the simpliest character map to navigate, but it has a search feature that helps, and boy is it ever full of selections!" |
4 |
gcalctool "Definitely one of the more comfortable calculator tools to use." |
5 |
gnobots2 "Aaaah The robots! They're coming for you! Seriously, this is a simple and addicting game." |
5 |
gnotski "A challenging puzzle game that forces you to think through your moves. Interface is simple, neither flashy nor drab, but easy to use." |
4 |
iagno "Plays well, and the default theme doesn't look too bad at all." |
4 |
gnect "This game has a tricky-to-beat AI. Plays just like "Connect Four" with several themes. Not always the prettiest look, but it plays quite well." |
4 |
gnotravex "Easy to play logic puzzle game that isn't "too easy to solve." Plays great and has an intuitive interface, that lets you learn how to play with ease." |
5 |
gtali "Yahtzee-like game of dice that plays simply and well." |
4 |
gnome-sudoku "I really like the interface, and how it saves your progress on a puzzle when you come back to the game, so you can continue working where you left off till you finish (or give up.)" |
4 |
frozen-bubble "This game is pretty high quality, but some settings are hidden, accessible only by hotkeys, such as the ability to mute sounds or turn off the music. This honestly should be graphically accessible if only with a page that shows which key to press. I consider this a critical missing feature for the user. Otherwise the game is really fun!" |
4 |
aisleriot "This game is more than meets the eye, it's not just Klondike solitare, but almost 100 different solitare games, most of which I don't know how to play, but now I get the chance to learn! This is amazing and fun." |
5 |
mousepad "There's not a lot to this, and for me, that's a plus. Sometimes I need a quick place to type something up where Notes/Tomboy doesn't make sense or doesn't have enough space, and where a word processing program is just too slow or too much. This isn't really oriented towards being any sort of IDE at all, though it does have line numbers if you need it for a light purpose of doing some code work. Fast, quick, simple, and works like a charm." |
5 |
epiphany-browser "It's simple, it's fast, and it works splendidly on older hardware, much better than more common, heavier web browsers. It's also quite easy to use, and if you look further, there's extentions you can add. But sometimes, simplicity really excels over whistles and bells." |
5 |
timidity "Finding this midi sequencer made my day. I'd previously given up on trying to get MIDI files to play under linux, but this allows them to work!" |
5 |
edubuntu-artwork "This pulled in some nice themes and a background or two, but it overwrote some settings and I can't uninstall the package to fix it. Should have just installed the packages it pulled in." |
2 |
gnome-hearts "For some, having this game on their computer is a must." |
4 |
gnome-mastermind "I love this logic game! The quality is right up there as a standard include for the gnome-games package, and better than some of them!" |
5 |
gnomine "Minesweeper mindsweeper." |
4 |
swell-foop "This seems to be a complete remake of the GNOME game "Same," only with functionality removed. Quite simply, it looked better before it was replaced in gnome-games. What used to be one of my favorite GNOME games is junk in this version. Undo moves, the scoreboard...can't use those anymore. Even the themes are gone. Did I mention it that it just crashed while I was writing this?" |
1 |
gnibbles "Takes some getting used to, but interesting gameplay. It might be the speed I'm using, but the commands to move seem to lag." |
3 |
glines "This simple game is simply too addictive!" |
5 |
glchess "A classic 2D view AND a 3D view? Both with animation? Even though I never win at these, this looks like a really nice chess game." |
4 |
xfce4-notes-plugin "Hey! It's like Tomboy Notes for Xfce! Kind of cool." |
3 |
mintupdate "One of the absolute best features of Mint. I positively love the way updates are done." |
5 |
thunar "Thunar does it all without getting in your way. Great for a lightweight file manager, but you might be disappointed if looking for something incredibly feature-rich, but it can be extended with plugins. Works great under any desktop environment I've used." |
4 |
fluxbox "Lightweight and not too terribly hard to configure. Might take some config file editing, but doesn't always have to. Even when it does, it's simple enough to figure out. Great for a speedy, clean desktop that is light on resources, and easy to make your own. Adventurous beginners welcome!" |
4 |
jwm "Very nice for a lightweight desktop that uses minimal resources and is lightning fast, but beginner users beware! This takes some knowledge to set it up properly and make it look polished. There is much config file editing ahead if you wish to make it pretty. Recommended for intermediate to advanced users." |
4 |
icewm "Light and quick for a desktop/window manager, but be sure you're not afraid of tinkering with config files to customize it your way. Easy enough to figure out for an intermediate user. Adventurous beginners only." |
4 |
wmbattery "Fits best in Fluxbox's slit. I never noticed any color changing of the status indicator - it was always blue. It looks and works nicely." |
4 |
dell-recovery "Be sure to read what the recovery image will do before you use it! It looks like a great tool, but as any tool, it must be used properly, with an idea of what you're doing." |
4 |
scite "Powerful, but I wish I could customize it a bit. The toolbar seems unchangable. It's a bit nit-picky but the icons could use a different theme. Otherwise, functionally looks like a great editor!" |
4 |
laby "It gets done what it claims, teaches you how to program a little bit. The learning game itself feels like it could use much more polish, but nothing gets in the way of using it. Not spectacular, but it doesn't try to be fancy." |
3 |
xfce4-weather-plugin "Feels more polished than the comparable Gnome applet. I really like the one-click forecast, which is intuitively read, much like watching the weather on a TV news program." |
4 |
fusion-icon "This lets me switch window managers easilly, regardless of whether or not I have my nvidia driver to be able to run compiz. It allows me use Xfce's window manager under GNOME whenever I want to. Careful if you switch to Icewm with it and then use Icewm to switch to fluxbox. I got stuck that way and had to log out to fix it." |
4 |
gnome-games-extra-data "Adds some nice extra themes to many games, but not all of them work, and not all of them look good. But some do, and for these it's worth getting." |
3 |
mintupload "Looks like a good idea, but it doesn't seem immediately clear how to use it, or what to use it for. Some short explanation would be nice as to exactly what it does...where the files go and how you can access them later? Even if it's an outside service that defines this, a basic explanation would clear this up." |
2 |
xchat-gnome "All the basic settings I wanted to change were inaccessible in this last time I used it, and while apparently still available by editing gconf, were inaccessible to me as a basic, general user. In fact, the default settings I found very annoying and frustratingly hard to change. I thought XChat wasn't the client for me until I tried regular xchat. I'll have to review this again to see if it's changed since last time I used it." |
2 |
prism "Pretty handy way to disguise web applications as desktop applications." |
4 |
lynx "Good for accessing web pages from the terminal. Solid and reliable, if you're looking for a text browser. Not the easiest to nagivate at first, but much smoother once navigation is learned." |
4 |
micropolis "This feels like a blast from the past, an open sourced version of SimCity, which I used to play a long time ago, only now I have half an idea what I'm doing while playing with it. It's got some funny quirks here and there, but they don't interfere with the game." |
4 |
xiphos "The interface takes a little getting used to but it makes it easy to do so. The compact layout doesn't get in your way but it's fully functional. Lots of modules to choose from, and easy to get them! I've not even tried all the features yet and I like it." |
4 |
mintmenu "I found I missed this on Ubuntu. The configuration could be even better, but with each release it seems to improve." |
5 |
gparted "Indispensable tool for managing partitions!" |
5 |
xfdesktop4 "Adds xfce as a desktop session for my login. Works well alongside GNOME from the Main edition for the most part." |
4 |
abiword "An underappreciated word processing program, Abiword is lighter, and just about as easy to use as OpenOffice's Word Processor, if not moreso. If you like stand-alone applications rather than suites, this is probably the word proccessor you're looking for." |
4 |
geany "Best choice of IDE for me from what's available. Simple to understand, and feels comfortable to use, much like Notepad++, only in IDE form (probably because it's based on the same thing, Scintilla.) I've use it for coding Java." |
5 |
giver "Amazingly simple and easy! One of those "why didn't I think of this?" ideas. Better than shuffling around through shared folders to share files over the local network." |
5 |
shiki-colors "I enjoy having alternate colors of the same sort of theme as the default one for Mint, and this does just that." |
4 |
software-center "I enjoy the features such as icons for the packages that have them, but it doesn't seem to run for me under Mint." |
4 |
grub2-splashimages "Good selection of images. Requires either another package or manual configuration to set them as backgrounds for Grub2." |
4 |
audacious "Best drop-in linux alternative to winamp I've found, keeps me comfortable with the interface." |
4 |
freeciv-client-gtk "Addicting strategy game with good graphics and an easy to use interface. Sounds are optional, I see this as a plus." |
5 |