
feature-rich screenshot program
  20 reviews

Shutter is a feature-rich screenshot program. You can take a screenshot of a specific area, window, your whole screen, or even of a website - apply different effects to it, draw on it to highlight points, and then upload to an image hosting site, all within one window.

Features: * take a screenshot of your complete desktop, a rectangular area * take screenshot directly or with a specified delay time * save the screenshots to a specified directory and name them in a convenient way (using special wild-cards) * Shutter is fully integrated into the GNOME Desktop (TrayIcon etc.) * generate thumbnails directly when you are taking a screenshot and set a size level in % * Shutter session collection o keep track of all screenshots during session o copy screeners to clipboard o print screenshots o delete screenshots o rename your file * upload your files directly to Image-Hosters (e.g., retrieve all the needed links and share them with others * edit your screenshots directly using the embedded drawing tool
Latest reviews
monkey 2 years ago

What for an incredible good program. I would have never thought, how phantastic it could be to make screenshots. Really, I am not joking. Great, Greta, Shutter!

tzell 2 years ago

Love Shutter. I've set up keyboard shortcut to take snapshot of a region ("shutter -s -e"), helps me all the time for taking screenshots and integrating them into note taking apps like Joplin or documents with LibreOffice.

redshore 2 years ago

I have been using Shutter for quite a few years. I love it because it is easy to make simple modifications such as adding an arrow with free text, resizing an image (plugin), adding auto-incremented numbers, etc. There are many sophisticated tools to do much more but the difference is really the ease of use to do the simple things!

mf675913 2 years ago

Would love to see more options added as in FastStone (FS) Capture (WIN 10); 'capture scrolling window', add more fonts, and add in font preview numbers to indicate what numbers look like especially zero (0).

JEOII 3 years ago

I use Shutter constantly. It is my go-to tool for screen specifc grabs and editing or blurring content before saving, using or sending an image forward. For example, it made building a 'how to' document easy and fast. I am glad to see it back into the repository.

djhurio 4 years ago

Very helpful tool. I could not install it from the Software Manager. This information was helpful:

Menard 4 years ago

Stupid useless tool even not able to add a key

NumOpen 4 years ago

It needs temporary to be installed with adding a PPA :

billmask 4 years ago

Very nice software. Quick and intuitive.

Ivan_anatolyevich 4 years ago

Без редактора, абсолютно бесполезная ерунда

eoinpomahony 4 years ago

This is a really well thought through program. I use it every day in my work.

Yzowl 4 years ago

Icon often appears as a blank space when minimized to the system tray... Otherwise it's a great app!

famaral 4 years ago

Very nice screenshot application. Currently the edit option is not working for me. I am using flameshot instead

Blake 4 years ago

Complet et facile, super ! Fitful & easy, awesome !!

cj76 5 years ago

I've tried the majority of SS programs and shutter is the most feature rich. Highly recommended! Be nice to allocate keybindings though otherwise it would have been a 5 star review baby.

jasont 5 years ago

Binding to a keystroke using --active parameter to a key results in "No window with name pattern 'shutter' detected" after one run. Everything else works ok.

WebRover 5 years ago

It's not Skitch, but it's pretty cool. To edit you need to install additional stuff, but that's pretty easy. I use it several times per month and it hasn't busted anything. :) I decided to write this review to encourage development and help others find a good solution. Thanks. :)

Philipp 5 years ago

work fine on Cinammon

eduardosilva 5 years ago

Excelente para efetuar os recortes do ecrâ. Não a troco pela pré-instalada.

Poetician 5 years ago

Really enjoy using the app. The file naming scheme is the best I've seen.