Interactive query builder is much easier than theory->trial->error in sqlite3 shell method.
Me encanta este programa, es facil de usar y me perimte gestionar mis bases de datos, tambien tiene una version portable en portable apps
would be better if the different views could be arranged next to each other (instead of hiding each other))
Renamed to: DB Browser for SQLite possible install with qmake in Mint 17 KDE, runs without problems
Version 2.0.0. is very outdated - at Version 3.3.1+ is available (and runs with Mint17)
Very handy little tool. Allows me to read config files of many different softwares, like firefox and skype.
Quite cozy editor, but it's a bit annoying that 1) actions like change cell needs to be done via mouse click 2) rows addition to existing table goes into reverse order (last added column appears first)
Nice. Not quite as many options as SQLiteMan but simpler and better suited to a smaller screen