
fast and secure messaging application
  20 reviews

Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it is super-fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time — your messages sync seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets or computers.
Latest reviews
Drizzle 7 months ago

over a year and a half out of date. just remove the system package version than you imbiciles! THIS IS WHAT I HATE ABOUT LINUX! It's just *not* organised at all. Why keep that version? Update it or force people to move dammit! USELESS

cyberbillp 7 months ago

The system package version basically doesn't work. It runs without crashing, but you can't correctly access groups and your own messages say you can't read them (but you can). It's kind of a mess. But it doesn't crash.

rangsumbar 10 months ago

not up to date.

ashinity 1 year ago

Do NOT update this package please, because we will lose lightweight experience of Telegram.

YOURS_NIL 1 year ago

good , but some bug still plz update

UlyssesApokin 1 year ago

Please update the package to a more recent version. Even Debian has a newer version of the package!

self-heal 2 years ago

Whereas with the other telegram flatpack package you only need to login after installing it once, this other telegram package telegram-desktop requires you to login everytime it starts up. Software that resides on my hardware (and not some Java sandbox in the browser) is already at a level of trust where it can store my password thanks.

DanieruOtakuBoy 2 years ago

Internal server error on phone number login, i cannot login

mehedeetalha 2 years ago

Please update to latest software

psychicMint 2 years ago

The app is not even updated to latest version so no matter how good this runs, it remains unusable without latest features

neov 2 years ago

На мой взгляд очень хороший месенжер. Только вопрос почему не последняя версия и как можно повлиять на появление последней версии?

Elbi 3 years ago

It is working like a charm. lm 20.2

juandelgado3619 3 years ago

La aplicación abre correctamente, pero al momento de elegir la opción de 'enviar código por sms' pues simplemente el mensaje nunca llega al numero de teléfono que uno introduce.

specht_lmde 3 years ago

So far it works as expected. Thank you!

MogekoAttack 3 years ago

Funciona correctamente, sinceramente me encanta

Blasfemis 4 years ago

Thank you that it is available in the Mint software repository, but on install, it wanted to install several hundred MB of KDE bloat to a Cinnamon environment. Yowza! A tiny download from the telegram web site just clicks and works fine instead.

FinixFighter 4 years ago

Works perfectly!

marcositz 4 years ago

Desatualizado, não funciona corretamente.

nowakowski 5 years ago

This version is very-very outdated. Do not install it. It is better to manually install the official website version or flatpak.

jolo 5 years ago

Хорошо работает и не глючит. Определяется как "неофициальное приложение" в активных сеансах Telegram. Возможно, это старая но рабочая версия.