
The mana world is a 2d mmorpg
  10 reviews

The mana world (tmw for short) is an innovative, free and open source mmorpg. besides the official game server, this client can connect to multiple community-grown servers, which provide varied environments and further challenge. in tmw, the players solve quests, fight monsters, practice skills and study magic. social activities include parties, trading and limited pvp in designated areas. while there are no limits to solo play, collaborative behaviour such as healing others, fighting together and banding up against tougher monsters are rewarded in the game. the mana world graphics have been inspired by 2d pixel art at its prime of the late 1990s, when many rpg classics, such as secret of mana for the super nintendo entertainment system, were released.
Latest reviews
WandersonGOD 9 years ago

Muito bom otimo jogo

SirGreatNose 11 years ago

Deeper than one would think! Tons of quests, equipment, emotes, crafting. Some of the nicest fellow gamers I've ever encountered. Give it a try!

4ndy 11 years ago

Easy smooth gameplay, carrying on that SNES tradition of beautiful sprite art. Getting to learn magic seems a to take a while at first, but the writing is good. An instant favourite.

Abderraouf 12 years ago

I like it but am using mana+ but the game cool! go to the GY and lvl up :D

hoppimike 12 years ago

Great little minimalist MMORPG - quick download and fun to play ^^

galopin1986 13 years ago

Very fun! Nice game play!

dmoyes 13 years ago

Fun free 2D MMORPG game, great community (this is Mana not the old tmw package).

CHuLoYo 13 years ago

Muy bueno pero sin versión en español (so good, but without spanish version)

plutosams 13 years ago

Very addicting and fun 3d mmorpg

captainhaggy 14 years ago

TMW ist ein MMORPG, für das es verschiedene freie Server gibt. Die Anzahl der Spieler ist gering, so wie die Anzahl der Abenteuer, die man erleben kann. Auch das Wirtschaftsmodell an sich ist in sich nicht stimmig. Für eine kurze Zeit der Unterhaltung reicht es, man sollte es jedoch nicht mit Zezenia, Ethernal Lands oder World of Warcraft vergleichen. TMW ist zur Zeit eher eine Studie als ein Spiel.