
helps download and run the Tor Browser Bundle
  20 reviews

Tor Browser Launcher is intended to make the Tor Browser Bundle (TBB) easier to maintain and use for GNU/Linux users. torbrowser-launcher handles downloading the most recent version of TBB for you, in your language and for your architecture. It also adds a "Tor Browser" application launcher to your operating system's menu.

When you first launch Tor Browser Launcher, it will download TBB from and extract it to ~/.local/share/torbrowser, and then execute it. Cache and configuration files will be stored in ~/.cache/torbrowser and ~/.config/torbrowser. Each subsequent execution after installation will simply launch the most recent TBB, which is updated using Tor Browser's own update feature.
Latest reviews
Vasilis_K 4 years ago


Fonzie 4 years ago

You need to run Tor Browser Settings first, check "Download over system Tor" and click "Install Tor Browser". THEN it works, and out of the box! And it's the exact same browser version as from their site as well!

PlazmaKG 4 years ago

As convienient as this may be, the official Tor project reccomends you get it off their website. I would just get it from

esmailelbob 5 years ago


buitenwesten 5 years ago

still hangs on Sig Verify, LM19.3 Cnm4.4.8 ~> workaround: ~ download ~ unpack ~ run

EB_J 5 years ago

LinuxMint 19.3 getting Signature Verfication failed. App just hangs. Can't wait for this to be baked into the ISO, when it works.

danost 5 years ago

LinuxMint 19.2 does not work. Download from Tor site works well. FlatPack on Mint site, 2 Gigs hard drive space required, no way I go for that

Mash 5 years ago

Doesn't work LM19.2, Terminal output: Downloading , Verifying Signature, Refreshing local keyring..., Keyring refreshed successfully... , Then the UI process status popup hangs at verifying Signature after Download and then fails, asks to retry/start

Asky 5 years ago

After some problem everything is OK...If you have an error about the verification key failed, and if the command "gpg --homedir "$HOME/.local/share/torbrowser/gnupg_homedir/" --refresh-keys -- "whatever" " doesn't help you, maybe you try to install an old version of TOR browser, it's possible that the repository of your distribution is not update. My solution to this : first of all, you purge the tor browser packet "apt purge torbrowser-launcher", after this, just to be sure : "rm -r ~/.config/torbrowser ~/.cache/torbrowser ~/.local/share/torbrowser" (not sure if it's necessary), and after, you add the PPA : "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahflee/ppa", then, you check your available version : "apt policy torbrowser-launcher", it should be the old one for the moment, but if you do "apt update", and again "apt policy torbrowser-launcher", you should see the last one... After that, you can install your Tor browser with your software maanger or with the command line... Hope it will help!

rajaii 6 years ago

very nice

RonaldQuilao 6 years ago

Today, January 12, 2019- Tor Browser Works Perfect on Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa 64bit without any issues. just install it and it updates itself automatically upon startup to the latest version. thank linux mint team for making an O.S that is Secure and Works Well with secured apps like this!

SynestheteSam 6 years ago

In North America, running Linux Mint 19 on an HP laptop, on 29 December 2018, this installer appears to have worked flawlessly. Tor has been downloaded and installed, and even presents as an icon in the menu.

firewiremb 6 years ago

Does not work at all. Keyrefresh proposed by Aleksander1979 does not work also.

Aleksander1979 6 years ago

Run the following in your terminal, this is one line: gpg --homedir "$HOME/.local/share/torbrowser/gnupg_homedir/" --refresh-keys --keyserver

pmoter2010 6 years ago

Not working, just downloading and prints "Signature verification failed". 2018-11-24

sali18 6 years ago

works perfect alot better than before

skorpio 6 years ago

I installed Tor with this app on my laptop as well on pc with Mint Tara in VBOX within 5 minutes. It's perfecly working, no glitches, and very smooth. Perfect work guys! Thank you.

ManuRahim 6 years ago

This installer works best than any other. I had no issues in installing it within 5 minutes. Previously I tried a direct method, and I failed terrible. With this TOR is on my fingure tips... Thank you guys... mmmwaaah.... (from INDIA)

NaruTrey 6 years ago

Устанавливайте только версию из официального ppa:micahflee/ppa

rail5 6 years ago

Doesn't work from in China (AKA one of the few countries where TOR is not just useful, it's somewhat necessary..) And obviously wouldn't because it just fetches the browser bundle from, which is blocked in China. Just put the browser bundle up instead of this weird, convoluted idea of releasing an application to download another application..