torbrowser-launcher "After some problem everything is OK...If you have an error about the verification key failed, and if the command "gpg --homedir "$HOME/.local/share/torbrowser/gnupg_homedir/" --refresh-keys -- "whatever" " doesn't help you, maybe you try to install an old version of TOR browser, it's possible that the repository of your distribution is not update. My solution to this : first of all, you purge the tor browser packet "apt purge torbrowser-launcher", after this, just to be sure : "rm -r ~/.config/torbrowser ~/.cache/torbrowser ~/.local/share/torbrowser" (not sure if it's necessary), and after, you add the PPA : "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahflee/ppa", then, you check your available version : "apt policy torbrowser-launcher", it should be the old one for the moment, but if you do "apt update", and again "apt policy torbrowser-launcher", you should see the last one... After that, you can install your Tor browser with your software maanger or with the command line... Hope it will help!" |
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