
Simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer
  20 reviews

Totem is a simple yet featureful media player for GNOME which can read a large number of file formats. It features :

* Shoutcast, m3u, asx, SMIL and ra playlists support * DVD (with menus), VCD and Digital CD (with CDDB) playback * TV-Out configuration with optional resolution switching * 4.0, 5.0, 5.1 and stereo audio output * Full-screen mode (move your mouse and you get nice controls) with Xinerama, dual-head and RandR support * Aspect ratio toggling, scaling based on the video's original size * Full keyboard control * Simple playlist with repeat mode and saving feature * GNOME, Nautilus and GIO integration * Screenshot of the current movie * Brightness and Contrast control * Visualisation plugin when playing audio-only files * Video thumbnailer for nautilus * Nautilus properties page * Works on remote displays * DVD, VCD and OGG/OGM subtitles with automatic language selection * Extensible with plugins
Latest reviews
unown 3 years ago

Excellent program! Installation was smooth and straightforward. No issues with codecs or configuration like other media players. Was able to use instantly after download from Mint software centre.

sleper90 6 years ago

excelente lo recomiendo y mas si sufren con tearing

prusony 6 years ago

Проблемный... Поставил VLC - вещь! )

Hatlabu_Farkas 7 years ago

ezt a hányingert SENKINEK SEM JAVASLOM ! sajnos több alkalommal is láttam, hogy ALAPBÓL felteszi a telepitő, de mindenképp az eltávolitását javaslom.

Hagbard99 9 years ago

Not Working over Samba:(

bluebow 9 years ago

In my opinion this program is better than vlc. Pretty interface and no problems with reproduction hd movies.

gamal8800 9 years ago

vlc lags on HD this one works flawlessly

iosonoscrive 9 years ago

Very useful

reddot 9 years ago

i dont really like this, i prefer vlc, i remove it everytime

Quexos 9 years ago

Don't want it, but needed codecs force me to keep it. Bah!

LinuxMinz 9 years ago

Love the resume option.

Rebel450 9 years ago

quick & easy simple player, not too memory-hungry. if you want more, take your vlc and blow it up with extensions. period.

NaruTrey 9 years ago

Terribly uncomfortable. We need to give more space for video

asderceder 9 years ago

I don't see why mint-meta-codecs has to depend on it

Maurice045 10 years ago

Totem worked fine in Mint15 playing all video files with the two clutter additions to environment enabled. However on Mint17 it has a tearing problem with the top inch of the screen when playing fullscreen videos. The SMPlayer and VLC both work perfectly without any tearing in Mint17. Also Totem overlays are way too big - Huge white blobs. SMPlayer is now my deafault player.

ew59 10 years ago

schlicht, nützlich, kleine Schwächen

Andrey77 10 years ago

1. Pressing "Movie-Preferencies" menu is switching to display preferencies of mp3 in the right pane but there is no possibility to switch pane back to display songs list. 2. When I press on mp3 in file manager totem is lanched but not playing mp3 some times. And do it after some "hands moves" for example, after selecting "Movie-Properties" menu item...

Fifis 10 years ago

Obsolete, bleak features, stability issues. Replace it with VLC.

sercancelik 10 years ago

No quickseek

markas 10 years ago

Excluded quickseeking a deal breaker for me. Totem also uses 2-4 times the cpu resources as VLC although VLC does use about 50% more ram. Even on a limited ram machine I still choose VLC.