
lightweight BitTorrent client
  20 reviews

Transmission is a set of lightweight BitTorrent clients (in GUI, CLI and daemon form). All its incarnations feature a very simple, intuitive interface on top on an efficient, cross-platform back-end.

This is just a metapackage depending on one of the front-end alternatives
Latest reviews
torrentalot 2 years ago

For anonymous torrenting, use a vpn. What the other reviewers are saying is just a pack of lies. It does work perfectly fine. Remember to allow it in the firewall or turn firewall off, use port forwarding. I tick on port forwarding in pia vpn and type the port number into preferences-network in Transmission. Easy as that, it finds all the peers listed on piratebay and it downloads at good speeds and I have never had trouble connecting or staying connected with other peers and had it running continiously for days. Used it a lot, it's almost always up and running, downloading movies and series. If you don't use port forwarding then it has trouble finding peers and download speed can be as low as 1-2kb.

MxIceT 2 years ago

works like a charme. simple and self explained, no issues so far

jiaminglimjm 2 years ago

Mantap mudah digunakan dan banyak opsi juga

neglesaks 3 years ago

A good, stable and simple Bittorrent client, but it has like Deluge seen less maintenance over the past number of years. A better alternative at the moment is qbittorrent.

barryedmiston 4 years ago

Garbage. When it did connect, was going to take hours. Then ports were closed with no explanation. Installed Deluge and everything I need was done in under two minutes.

jruiz 5 years ago

Is not so good as other

salmich 6 years ago

Automatic computer shutdown after torrent(s) is(are) downloaded - missing function!

rawaniajay 6 years ago

Best !

Jendrej 6 years ago

Honestly I don't "trust" this client. It's not easy to see the state of a torrent for me because there are no icons for seeding, downloading etc., and it seems it's harder for it to find peers than to qbittorrent.

Wulfmagio 6 years ago

Léger, doté d'une interface simple et intuitive. Parfait pour un utilisateur occasionnel de partage en peer-to-peer.

ofamosofelippehd 7 years ago

Um cliente BitTorrent simples e leve.

plimboster 7 years ago

Работи перфектно.

BazyTrue 7 years ago

It is very good and simple to use. Program je dobar za mene. Polecam wszystkim torrentowiczom :)

Knezev87 7 years ago

ali ne prikazuje datoteke pre skidanja za odabir

zID_ru 8 years ago

Просто, удобно и стабильно

zboraon 8 years ago

it is really lightweight.

reddot 8 years ago

simple, easy to setup. can be accessed thorugh a browser remotely

dknight 8 years ago

Very simple, lightweight and just works!

clem 8 years ago

Very good

dobritay 8 years ago

perfect work