
Video for Linux 2 Universal Control Panel
  6 reviews

V4L2UCP is an universal control panel for V4L and V4L2 devices. It reads the description of the controls that the device supports from the device device, and presents the user with a graphical means for adjusting those controls; it allows for controlling multiple devices.

Controls can be updated with the device status either manually, or periodically. There is an easy way to reset one or all the controls to their default state.
Latest reviews
OmegaDarkMage 5 years ago

This is just what I need, why isn't this installed by default?

inotis43 11 years ago


newpaul 12 years ago

The key utility for the taming of supposedly non-compatible webcams from uncooperative manufacturers, especially with Skype. This tutorial might help you, if you have this sort of lazy webcams: http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/219 This Ubuntu community documentation page may also be of some use: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam

mspc 13 years ago

just down loaded will report soon

damien-tt 13 years ago

As was mentioned, the best software for cam configuration especially within skype.

Doruletz 13 years ago

Great software. Very helpful, specialy if you need to meke virtualy any webcam work with Skype.