
small and simple Amiga-like window manager
  3 reviews

WindowLab is a Window Manager for the X Window System. Features include click-to-focus, a simple menu/taskbar combination and integration with Debian menu system and Xsessions subsystem.

WindowLab is incredibly fast and small. It is suitable for lightweight systems. Virtual desktops are easily constructed using the independent package "vdesk".
Latest reviews
jastombaugh 7 years ago

Pretty cool, actually. I'd probably find myself using this a lot more if I get the hang of how to resize window borders better. (I'm just so engrained in the traditional 'drag the window border' method that it takes me a few minutes of trying before I remember) Quick, fast, and very fun. On my install, some of the top 'quick shortcuts' did not seem to be working, like the 'edit menu' command. (So you'll have to break out your favorite notepad and edit ~/.windowlab/windowlab.menurc) I very much enjoy keeping this one as an option when I want a distraction-free interface for writing or working on projects. It's quirky design ensures that my computer will be left alone by others. :-P

mh2o 10 years ago

Slim and fast window manager with no frills. I like it

blueXrider 13 years ago

quite nice