9 years ago 0 |
How to install Asunder on a computer running Linux Mint 17.2 "Rafaela" - Cinnamon (64-bit).
Simple / Safe installation of Asunder Rev. 2.2-1
Install the latest stable version (Asunder Rev. 2.2-1) using Software Manager:
If like me you only use FLAC files, you will need to install FLAC (Free lossless Audio Codec - Command line tools). This dependency can also be installed using Software Manage)
Installation of Asunder Rev. 2.7 (latest version)
According to the Asunder Website: http://littlesvr.ca/asunder/ the latest version Asunder 2.7 was released on the 26th Jan 2015.
Asunder 2.2-1 (stable version) works just fine for me. However, If you are willing to live with the risks associated with installing software from external repositories (like PPA's), the installation instructions below may be of interest to you.
Please read the following tutorial by the Easy Linux tips project before you proceed:
i). Open a Terminal:
ii). Install Asunder:
iii). Remove Asunder:
Can I trust PPA's from webupd8team?
To install Asunder 2.7 using the tutorial above (How to install Asunder 2.7 by Geekster) you will have to install ppa:webupdteam/unstable.
Can you trust PPA's from webupd8team?
Speak to people, surf the web and make up your own mind.
For example: Ashu gives the following opinion to this question on
"Webupd8 is quite a trusted site. They provide proper well made stable packages. Many people (Even me!) use their PPA's. You should not have a problem with their packages.
Generally most PPA's you find should be stable with no "evil" in them. Just to be sure keep a point in mind to add a PPA only if some sites recommend them. Also make sure to add only stable version of a PPA. Some PPA's provide development versions which might thrash your PC if they are buggy. So in the end the choice is yours".