Methods of how to proceed download torrent files, in a small way. This way I use, if I'm often moved to other the pc (computer) / (another online internet) . and I want to continue downloading a torrent, with no repeat of the first.:
= for qBittorrent :
1) Open qBittorrent---Tools---Options---Downloads---(check / enable: keep incomplete torrents in)
= for Transmission :
2) Open Transmission---edit---preferences---(check / enable: keep incomplete torrents in)
for qBittorrent :
=Open qBittorrent---Tools---Options---Downloads---(check / enable: keep incomplete torrents in)
for qBittorrent :
=Open qBittorrent---Tools---Options---Downloads---(check / enable: keep incomplete torrents in)
--Save location , eg: in folder 'download'.
--If the download is not yet 100%, and we move to other 'pc' ( other internet online) . then copy the files in the folder 'download' to USB, eg: 65% process download.
--And paste it in another pc that we use, with the same location.
--If its a different file name (eg: . Part), we can rename the file.
--We can continue downloading torrent files, with no repeats from 0%.
*- use 'force recheck' file or (verify local data) for procces.
*- This can be applied to download another file (eg: file in DownloadHelper or ,etc..)
* - ini pertama aku pergunakan karena aku berfikir waktu mendownload, sebenarnya ada celah waktu antara 'upload&download' maka aku sisipkan file lewat 'copy&paste'.------dan dianggap mereka(sumber download) ooo mungkin kecepatan downloadnya naik ???
*- bisa untuk semua jenis file.
*- untuk file yang di gembok (dikunci) bisa digunakan cara : ----hapus(delete)----copy----paste (dengan syarat : harus cepat / fast).
******ini sebenarnya aku cuma berbagi pengalaman saya, dan aku ingin membantu orang yang berkoneksi internet lambat (seperti saya).