easy way to setting compiz (3d-desktop).

  13 years ago


easy way to setting compiz (3d-desktop) :


1)= linux-mint-10.
** install package 'compiz' with all which necessary / supplementary.
** be sure if the vga (non-free), already installed the driver additions.
** open 'CompizConfig settings manager' in system-preferences.
** tick the required fields: desktop cube, rotate cube, viewport switcher, show desktop,
3d windows, animations, wobbly windows, etc..
**setting 'compiz', according with drawing instructions.

**disable for desktop wall
**activate 'compiz' with : right click mouse in desktop--- select change desktop background---select visual effects---custom---select preferences....


====================_setting manager in 'compiz'_====================


==========================_setting in 'rotate desktop cube_================

==============_setting in desktop cube_=====================

==============_setting for wobbly windows_==================

====================_setting in visual effects_==========================

====================_setting for simple-compizconfig-setting-manager_==============







2)= linuxmint-debian.
** install 'compiz' package with all which necessary / supplementary.
** be sure if the vga (non-free), already installed the driver additions.
** open CompizConfig-settings-manager in system-preferences.
** tick the required fields: desktop cube, rotate cube, viewport switcher, show desktop,
3d windows, animations, wobbly windows, cube atlantis, etc..

**disable for desktop wall
**setting 'compiz', according with drawing instructions.
**activate 'compiz' with : right click mouse in 'compiz-fusion-icon' : right click, select 'reload window manager'. (make sure the 'select-window-manager' into the compiz).



====================_setting manager in 'compiz'_====================

=================_setting in '3d windows'_=====================

==============_setting in 'cube atlantis'_=======================

======================_setting in 'wobbly windows'_====================

==============_settings manager in 'compiz-fusion-icon'_==========

=================_reload window manager_===========


disable for : inside cube =


enable for : inside cube =














ajir 12 years ago

i like it...

Simeon 13 years ago


genothomas 13 years ago


Tonya 13 years ago

Really great job! Many thanks!!!

Fabulous185 13 years ago

Fantastic! Wonderful! When time free, make another sample to Mint Gnome
Main Edition 11 Katya.

zaenal1234 13 years ago

@efthialex, thank you......friend.

efthialex 13 years ago

Great Job! (y)