Use conky in linux mint

  13 years ago

Many of u heard about screenlets.But many few have had heard about Conky or use it.The Conky feature is as same as screenlets sysmonitor.And those who setup it many of them can't configure it in proper way n so that they've failled to use it. For that reason I'm writting this tutorial with the steps of configuring conky.

First of all thanks to Mr. pinguy of ubuntu forum n ayonkhan of mintbd team leader. Cause for there heard work n there tutorial I'm here to write this.

Step 1:

first you've to install all the packages with conky.For this goto terminal then write the following(Just use copy n paste):

sudo apt-get install conky-all curl hddtemp lm-sensors python-statgrab

then run those commands on terminal(Just use copy n paste):
$ sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/hddtemp
$ sudo sensors-detect

Here in the 2nd command you will get YES/ here you have to choose YES by closing your eyes :p.

Step 2:

Now download this from this link:

Here you will got the source file 92328-conky_colors.tar.gz (Conky_colors).Put your archive file in desktop

then to extract the .tar file use those commands on terminal(Just use copy n paste):

$ cd ~/Desktop
$ tar -xvzf 92328-conky_colors.tar.gz
$ cd conky_colors
$ make
$ make install
Then goto your home directory.Press crtl-H to show hiden file.
Open the file .conkyrc 
with gedit.
Now remove all the text from the file n put the following
source code  from this
Now save the file.

Note:This configuration is perfect for 1440x900.
But if u wish to move it by your resolution u can do that.
For this you have to open .conkeyrc 
then find # Gap between borders of screen and text 
line n change gap_x and gap_y. 


Now open mintMenu → All/Preferences → Startup Applications this.

Click add button n as a commad use

.conkycolors folders bin/conkyStart directory

in ur home directory.Name: Conky n

comment:Highly configurable system monitor type there n add it.

Now restart your pc.Atfer that press Alt-F2 n write at ur text field conky n run it.

Now enjoy ur conky.Thanks. :)

Making mint Conky:

For making Mint Conky I specially thank my friend Mr.Kazz cause without His help I can't make it full fill.

Open Terminal n type or copy paste:

gksudo nautilus

press enter.Now

Copy the file 'mint-logo-mono_b-096.png' to /usr/share/icons folder.

Open /home/your_user-name/.conkyrc file with gedit (or your favorite
text editor).

Search the first part of TEXT part, and modify like below:


SYSTEM ${hr 2}
${goto 6}${voffset 6}${image /usr/share/icons/mint-logo-mono_b-096.png -p 0,14 -s 32x32}${goto 42}${pre_exec cat /etc/} $machine
${goto 42}Kernel: ${kernel}
${hr 2}

Save the file '.conkyrc', and close gedit.

Log out, then Log in again, the logo would have changed.

Here the .png file is(just right click on it n than save as image)


Image Hosted by
By sadi_iiuc at 2011-08-11
sirfmoyo 9 years ago

i cant seem to get it to work in mint 17 cinnamon

xijunw 9 years ago

For those who use mint 17 got "Unable to locate package python-statgrab", download and install the below 2 packages with gdebi:

sdibaja 10 years ago

python-statgrab not in repositories for M17mate


icarus 10 years ago

simple but amazing conky config

I made some small adjustment to display hhdd and network one line down
also add eth1... just in case :D

the file can be downloaded from

aping 11 years ago

Why lots of the icons not appear?

kazztan0325 11 years ago


You would be able to get CONKY-colors here:

But sadly CONKY-colors does not work on Cinnamon.

nerdgeeko 11 years ago
the above link not found.

sadi_pu 12 years ago

thanks compuman2004! :)

sadi_pu 13 years ago

sorry for late n keep you waiting I was so much busy on those days thanks all.

banzai_spirit 13 years ago

@Alexio; thx again for the Info!.. otw to the link.. whuzzz..

Alexio 13 years ago

@banzai_spirit - You are welcome!

I would like to mention that some video tutorials related to Conky are available on the Linux Mint Community Videos website.

banzai_spirit 13 years ago

@sadi_pu ;Great tutorial.. may the mint be with you.. hehe..

banzai_spirit 13 years ago

@Alexio & sadi_pu/iiuc;
Thank you very much, but i solved the problem^^; i use right click and do 'Archive Mounter' then i install the files manually because it still not worked to try to extract it. Please ignore my prev. comment, next time i should try solving thing on my own then ask for help ^^. Now it works pretty awesome.. just need to figure out how to make the background not transparantly i've read Trollboy answer; "Where the image is, it should be wrapped in a

simply replace that with
" but tbh, idk where to find that. Thank you anyway Alexio for the answer

Alexio 13 years ago

@banzai_spirit - You may try to download again the file to your Desktop folder. To extract the files from the archive, just click on the file from your desktop to open it.

zpeski175 13 years ago

i got it all set up thanks to sadi_pu and kaz but the conky wont start up and i went to system monitor and it says its sleeping and i cant start it up

sayan_acharjee 13 years ago

@ sadi_pu, Thanks a lot. Now I have configured it. :D

sadi_pu 13 years ago

@ sayan acharjee
if any problem please inform me n don't hesitate to ask question. :)

sadi_pu 13 years ago

@sayan acharjee
step 4--->MintMenu--->AllApp--->Preference--->Startup Applications
Than select 'add'button.Than you will see a dialog Box where you will see 'Name','command','Comment'.Now click on command's Browse button and goto your home ctrl-h to show hiden files.Now you will find there a floder .conkycolors.Go inside it n than you will find there a folder call 'bin'.Now again go inside it and select 'conkyStart' ok button now.Now write on 'Name' field Conky n 'Comment' field Highly configurable system monitor. Now press 'Add' button below there.Now close the startup apps window.Press alt-F2 n write Conky to run it immediately or restart your pc now. Now you can enjoy your conky. :)

sayan_acharjee 13 years ago

Step 4 is not clear to me! :(

What should be the name there?
And command should be?

sadi_pu 13 years ago

I modified it dude :)

kazztan0325 13 years ago

Sorry, I misunderstood.

Anyway I think you might modify the part 'Making mint Conky: [1]' of your tuotrial.

sadi_pu 13 years ago

kazz itz not he should try gksudo nautilus for paste the .png file at that directory.
[1]type command on terminal(copy n paste): gksudo nautilus
[2]copy the .png file
[3]paste at /usr/share/icons

kazztan0325 13 years ago

Please try again like below:

[1] Open Terminal.

[2] Input code like below:
gksudo gedit /home/your_user-name/.conkyrc

[3] System will ask you your password, Input it, then hit Enter.

[4] gedit will open the file '.conkyrc'.

[5] Edit the file, then Save it.

[6] Close gedit and Terminal.

nipu011 13 years ago

access is denied to the paste directory for the png image file.... :( what can i do?

sadi_pu 13 years ago

Thanks a lot Mr. trollboy :)

trollboy 13 years ago

Simples :)

Edit the tutorial and click the Source button.

Where the image is, it should be wrapped in a <div> simply replace that with <div style="background-color: #AACDAA">

The first two letters are red, the second green and the third blue.

kazztan0325 13 years ago

Almost Okay!, and there is one problem be remained...

Almost all of the lines of Mint Logo mono are white, and its background is transparent.
So we cannot see the Mint Logo mono which is downloadable for users except its light gray part.

Dear Mint Community members:
Is there anyone who can resolve this problem for @sadi_pu ?

sadi_pu 13 years ago

Thanks for those kazz! :)I updated the info here. :)

kazztan0325 13 years ago

Now I sent you PM and E-mail.
Please check them!

sadi_pu 13 years ago

hey kazz is that ok or not!:)

kazztan0325 13 years ago


I think you should complete this tutorial by yourself.
I just helped you a little bit.

Actually I have no ability to write tutorial about 'Conky Colors', because I have not installed it.
I just used 'Pinguy OS 11.04' which include 'Conky Colors' out of the box.

sadi_pu 13 years ago

kazz I think you should make another tutorial for "HowTo make a mint conky"I will be much more helpful for all of us.Or you can share here as usual.Thanks dude!!:)

kazztan0325 13 years ago

PM is Private Message.
Open my profile page and click on 'Send message'.

I would like to talk with you how can you get the logo file.
If you also are a user of 'Dropbox' or 'Ubuntu one', it would be easy.
Would you mind tell me your E-mail address in PM?

sadi_pu 13 years ago

Thanks kazz for your awesome work!! :)Will you please explain what is 'PM' you wrote at your comment? :)

kazztan0325 13 years ago


I made 'Mint Logo mono' file, and tried to replace original logo with it.
This is a screen-shot of the top part of conky colors.

It looks not so bad, doesn't it?

If you would like to get 'Mint Logo mono' file, please send PM to me.
Because its file type is 'png', if I upload it to Picasa or Flickr, it would be converted to 'jpg'.

blueXrider 13 years ago

Conky is in the repositories. Download using Package Manager.
1.8.0-1ubuntu1 conky, conky-all, conky-std and conky-cli

This is a full conky with most compile options enabled:

X11, XDamage, XDBE, Xft, MPD, MOC, OpenMP, math, hddtemp, portmon, RSS,
Weather, wireless, IBM, nvidia, eve-online, Imlib2, ALSA mixer, ncurses,
apcupsd, I/O stats, argb, Lua and the cairo and imlib2 lua bindings.

sadi_pu 13 years ago

Thanks efthialex for fixing my error in writting.I wish if any of you will make mint icon for conky it will not only better for me but also for us.:)

efthialex 13 years ago


Great tutorial, but you should fix in the 9th line "than" to "then".

PS As @kazztan0325: said it would be better if we had a Mint icon.


sadi_pu 13 years ago

I didn't try yet kazzatan.But will soon replace it. Thanks. :)

kazztan0325 13 years ago

Do you have any way to replace Ubuntu logo with Mint logo?