author has limited english knowledge
27" imac i5, 11,1, late 2009
linux mint 11 installed and running
courage to use the command line
courage to use an editor, for example gedit
hint all commands will be red-bold
Every iMac has an built-in infrared receiver and the corresponding Apple Remote. On a MacOSX system the Apple Remote works out of the box. Not so under Linux Mint 11. In order to use your Apple Remote to adapt the sound volume - as you can do using your keyboard - you have to install the following packages:
optional: gnome-lirc-properties (allows you to choose the type of the remote control)
if you install gnome-lirc-properties you have to install the package hal too. there is a bug in relation to gnome-lirc-properties and without hal gnome-lirc-properties won't run.
You can install the above mentioned packages with synaptic or on the command line using apt-get.
apt-get install lirc xmacro gnome-lirc-properties hal
During the installation of lirc you will be asked to choose your type of remote control. choose Apple Mac mini USB Receiver
If you did a mistake in determing your remote control, you can always reconfigure lirc with the following command: dpkg-reconfigure lirc. Then you can correct your mistake.
after the installation of the above mentioned packages open a terminal
in the terminal type the command: irw
now press some keys on your remote control, for example + - >>I I<<. in the terminal you should see some response. if not, sorry i can't help you.
in my case: key + response VOLUP / key - response VOLDOWN / key I<< response BACKWARD / key >>I response FORWARD / key >II response PLAY / key MENU response MENU
if there are other "names" in the reaction of pressing a key, write them down. we need them later.
now open gedit (gnome editor) an copy the following code (blue):
prog = irexec
button = VOLUP
config = echo KeyStrPress XF86AudioRaiseVolume KeyStrRelease XF86AudioRaiseVolume | xmacroplay $DISPLAY
prog = irexec
button = VOLDOWN
config = echo KeyStrPress XF86AudioLowerVolume KeyStrRelease XF86AudioLowerVolume | xmacroplay $DISPLAY
prog = irexec
button = PLAY
config = echo KeyStrPress XF86AudioPlay KeyStrRelease XF86AudioPlay | xmacroplay $DISPLAY
prog = irexec
button = FORWARD
config = echo KeyStrPress XF86AudioNext KeyStrRelease XF86AudioNext | xmacroplay $DISPLAY
prog = irexec
button = BACKWARD
config = echo KeyStrPress XF86AudioPrev KeyStrRelease XF86AudioPrev | xmacroplay $DISPLAY
hint: because of my limited knowledge in using the editor for this howto the line config = echo may be wraped. so the line beginning with config = echo is a single line til $DISPLAY
hint: all words beginnig with XF86Audio you can find as menu entry "key combinations" (in german: Tastaturkombinationen) under the menu preferences (in german: Einstellungen). if something doesn't work, check if the XF86Audio are there.
hint: if your remote key response names (VOLUP ...) differ adapt them in the code.
now save the code as a hidden text file below your home directory /home/yourname/.lircrc as you can see you have to call the hidden text file .lircrc
in order to test if you can control now your sound volume go back to the terminal use the command: irexec -d
i succeeded, hopefully you too
I forgot to say: till now irexec will not run on startup! so you have to execute the command irexec -d everytime you are loged in. I already mentioned i am using the german version of Linux Mint. in my case I can add irexec -d to "Startprogramme" so that irexec -d start up when I log in. Of course ther must be an english "version" of "Startprogramme". You should find it in the Preferences Menu. Add the command irexec -d there.
all credits go to Lucas sein virtuelles Zuhause