Important: This article covers the OEM installation of Linux Mint 12. It is written for manufacturers and computer resellers interested in pre-installing Linux Mint on the computers they sell to customers.
Step by step instructions
1. Download the ISO
2. Check the MD5
Open a terminal and run this command:
md5sum linuxmint-12-gnome-oem-nocodecs-64bit.iso
The result should be:
If the result differs your download is corrupt and you should download the image again.
3. Create a bootable live CD or USB stick
Linux Mint now uses Hybrid images so you can use either a CD or a USB stick.
Using a CD
Burn the ISO image at the lowest possible speed.
Using a USB stick
4. Install the system in OEM mode
Boot on the live media and follow the instructions on the screen
Note that the language, password, keyboard layout you choose are only for you. The customer will get to choose his/her own later on his/her first boot.
When the installation is finished, removed the media and reboot the computer.
5. Prepare the computer
The very first time the computer boot, it's still in OEM mode.
In this mode you can change a few things for the customer.
When you're ready, open a terminal and type this command:
The computer is now ready for the customer.
The next time the computer boots, a screen will appear to ask the customer to input his/her own information (username, language, keyboard layout..etc).