Installing Linux Mint 12 in OEM mode

  13 years ago

Important: This article covers the OEM installation of Linux Mint 12. It is written for manufacturers and computer resellers interested in pre-installing Linux Mint on the computers they sell to customers.

Step by step instructions

1. Download the ISO

2. Check the MD5

  • Open a terminal and run this command:
    • md5sum linuxmint-12-gnome-oem-nocodecs-64bit.iso
  • The result should be:
    • 97fb8e67b6494f0a637b9443ba18c147
  • If the result differs your download is corrupt and you should download the image again.

3. Create a bootable live CD or USB stick

Linux Mint now uses Hybrid images so you can use either a CD or a USB stick.

Using a CD

  • Burn the ISO image at the lowest possible speed.

Using a USB stick

4. Install the system in OEM mode

  • Boot on the live media and follow the instructions on the screen
  • Note that the language, password, keyboard layout you choose are only for you. The customer will get to choose his/her own later on his/her first boot.
  • When the installation is finished, removed the media and reboot the computer.

5. Prepare the computer

  • The very first time the computer boot, it's still in OEM mode.
  • In this mode you can change a few things for the customer.
  • When you're ready, open a terminal and type this command:
    • oem-config-prepare
  • The computer is now ready for the customer.

The next time the computer boots, a screen will appear to ask the customer to input his/her own information (username, language, keyboard layout..etc).