janberlin jan

I have been a fan of Apple MAC OS X, but since a desastrious release and their catastrophic updates over an over again , I decided to be a FREE person in terms of computers and switch to Linux Mint. Windows can be blown to the moon anyway.

So thanks for doing this great job on distributing a really fantastic OS.

I'm running LinuxMint 17 Cinnamon on an iMAC 2009 and it runs fantastic. The installation was really simple and every little thing works fine.

I additionally installed an Intel NUC kit 633. whoooooo!!!! 8 seconds to boot.

Runs perfectly! Nice to see that little thing working so properly.

By the end of February I decided to buy a new Intel NUC with the updated Broadwell Prozessors. So currently I'm using a NUC5i3RYH and it runs fantastic with LinuxMint 17.1

PlayonLinux runs my ElsterFormular Software to process my Tax-Issues.

Title Score
9 years ago Elster Formular on LinuxMint 17.1 6
Software reviews
Software Score
"One of the best programs I ever used. Every function I was looking for is integrated and its running fabulous under LinuxMint 17.1. Really good documentation and help, if a question occurs."