KelvinShadewing KelvinShadewing.NET
United States

Pixel artist and independant software developer working on a new game engine using SDL2 and Squirrel.

Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
"From subtle pathfinding enhancements to an alchemy overhaul that makes you wonder how you ever survived in the original game, OpenMW truly breathes new life into Morrowind! Add in the freedom to make your own Elder Scrolls-style game with its engine and creation kit, and this thing just keeps getting better and better. There's only a few features from this that I miss, things like swift casting, but those are minor pet peeves of mine, and who's to say they won't be implemented in the future? But with all the essential features enhanced and being able to play cross platform without the overhead of emulation makes this engine a perfect replacement for Bethesda's."
"Coming from someone who's tried MS Paint, Graphics Gale, Paint.NET, and Photoshop, this is the best pixel art editor I've ever used! The latest version is commercial, but I still highly recommend it!"