
Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
"I liked Warpinator the first time I used it. It ran for a few days then refused to co-operate all of a sudden. Now it's unstable. Some mornings it works, others it just won't budge. Tried everything - port changes, firewall rules blah blah, no good. I wanted to make this a crucial part of my computer lab's intranet file sharing but the problem is that it only works on the first install (if it feels like it) and then when you try to boot up the machines the next day, "No other computers found..." There seems to be an issue that the developers need to fix regarding network interfaces. Devices on the same network using different connection methods (some on ethernet, some on wi-fi) fail to detect each other or if they happen do so, they appear to be offline. Desktops on ethernet "sometimes" detect and willingly connect to laptops on wi-fi. Please fix this issue."