
Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
"Coul'd anybody tell me why the only browser that going right is firefox.Going in to the deep: I tried chrom, chromium, opera .....and the same issue: very slow (when I type sth as I finish, It appears with some delay after a sec); every browser works as it were way to modern for my laptop? I know that it is kinda old , I bought it many years ago equiped with core2duo,ssd sata 3GB Ram. But win7 worked perfect, win10 quite ok. taking into account that I used it only for typical office stuff(internet, mail,typing etc). After some time I decided to change it to Linux as it was told to be way faster /safer and less problematic, relaible(let me put it that way) and I'm a bit disappointed. I know that people's got quite similar configuration and not having such issue.I even decided to change mint to the Xfce interface which is told to be the best choice for old laptops but finally only firefox works quite good on my Mint-Xfce. Has everybody met with this issue?"