jonjermey Jon Jermey

Born in London in 1958. Emigrated to Australia in 1967. Programmed my first computer in 1975. Got involved in statistics, then computer training, which I carried out for 20 years and still do occasionally. I began shifting to Linux after the trainwreck that was Windows Vista, and discovered Mint a couple of years later. Currently using MATE, although I like the ideas behind KDE; it just doesn't quite seem to gel for me.

I'm working on a beginner's guide to Mint which I hope to release in eBook and POD format around August 2013.

Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
"I use it to keep track of my work projects; I have a customised interface with many custom fields and five tabbed panels, and it doesn't miss a beat. Tellico is also very good, but this is better."