
medical image viewer and DICOM network client
  5 reviews

Aeskulap is able to load a series of special images stored in the DICOM format for review. Additionally it is able to query and fetch DICOM images from archive nodes (also called PACS) over the network. Aeskulap tries to achieve a full open source replacement for commercially available DICOM viewers.
Latest reviews
epsilotronic 2 years ago

It's pretty good and it allows you to transition images and it looks pretty good. But it has a hard time uploading the files and it doesn't display the patient's metadata very well. Unfortunately it is not as good as the more popular proprietary software applications.

Vasilis_K 5 years ago

Simple and doing its job just fine! Working flawlessly on Mint 19.2

mafinokc 6 years ago

I don't know for whom this is intended, but when doing something humble like looking at CD images on a home Linux PC with ordinary monitors, the CD loads slowly (this is not unique), the image quality is terrible, and at least for CT scans, the window and level presets are useless. On my Windows computers I use MicroDICOM, which works pretty well AND from which I can export DICOM images as jpeg files. Unfortunately, MicroDICOM is not available for Linux.

caph1993 8 years ago

Exactly what I needed! Works great.

omarspencephoto 9 years ago

A bit thin on features but it works pretty well