
Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
"Doesn't work at all on Linux 19.2 MATE. When you launch it, you get a screen that looks like an old TV with the vertical hold out of adjustment. When you try to close it, you get a black dialogue box with nothing in it. Uninstalled after one attempt to use it. To be avoided."
"In the past I've used K3b with excellent results, but in Linux Mint MATE 19.2 there were problems with missing packages, and even when I figured out what they were (not easy), it didn't work. Xfburn installed without a hitch and works great. It also lets me load files from our NAS drive, which K3b doesn't see."
"I'm running Linux Mint MATE 19.2. This installed without a hitch. The preinstalled fonts had satisfactory alternatives for Arial e.g. Liberation Sans and Noto Sans, but it's nice to have Verdana back."
"I don't know for whom this is intended, but when doing something humble like looking at CD images on a home Linux PC with ordinary monitors, the CD loads slowly (this is not unique), the image quality is terrible, and at least for CT scans, the window and level presets are useless. On my Windows computers I use MicroDICOM, which works pretty well AND from which I can export DICOM images as jpeg files. Unfortunately, MicroDICOM is not available for Linux."